EFSC Textbooks
Titan First Day Ready
Eastern Florida State College is moving to a new course material delivery program, Titan First Day Ready, which provides access to student’s required course materials before the first day of class. With this program, the bookstore will provide you with a convenient package for physical course materials and your digital course materials will be delivered directly to Canvas.
For EFSC textbook return policies please see bottom of page.
How It Works:
· Register for classes
· Approximately one month before classes start, students will receive an e-mail instructing them to review their courses. *Please check your Titan’s e-mail address.
· Students will receive an e-mail notification when their order is ready for pick up. Digital materials will be delivered within Canvas.
· Students will then go to the campus bookstore where their class is taking place to pick up course materials. Please note: All Eastern Florida Online course materials will only be available for pick up for CBHS students at the Cocoa campus bookstore.
· All physical material (except for lab manuals, access codes, and other “write-in” material) are considered rentals and must be returned to the bookstore they were received from at the end of the term.
· Rental material will be due back to the bookstore they came from during finals week. Students will receive helpful e-mail reminders to return their rented course material.
· The option to OPT OUT will still be there. If a dual enrollment student chooses OPT OUT then the students will be responsible for paying full price for their materials.
Do NOT select OPT OUT!
· What is included in the program?
The program provides ALL required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbooks.
· What is EXCLUDED from the program?
The program does not include recommended products/material for courses, lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, etc.
· When are textbook rentals due back to the bookstore?
The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. Students will receive e-mail reminders about the rental deadline to their Titan’s e-mail address.
· What if a student drops a class?
If a student drops a course, the materials for that class will be due back to the bookstore in 48 business hours. If the student has enrolled in another course, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbook(s)/code(s) so that the student has what they need.
· Who do I contact for support?
Please contact your bookstore team at:
Palm Bay/EFO: Melinda Cross (mcross@bncollege.com) – General Manager
Krista Bergman (kbergman@bncollege.com)
Melbourne: Jason Marsee (jmarsee@bncollege.com) – Store Manager
Gina Booth (rbooth@bncollege.com) – Assistant Store Manager
Cocoa/Titusville: Virgil Cox (vcox@bncollege.com) – Store Manager
For more information about the Titan First Day Ready program, please visit:
EFSC textbook Return Policy
· Textbooks Rentals from EFSC Must Be Returned During the Week of Finals!
· Rental Textbooks Can Be Returned to Any EFSC Campus Bookstore.
· Do Not Leave Your Books at The EFSC Library or At the Highschool Media Center! Books Not Received at An EFSC Bookstore Will Not Be Marked as Returned on Your Student Account.
· If you are unable to return your rental book(s) to an EFSC campus bookstore, then you can mail them at your expense using the link provided in your Titan’s Rental Return email.