7A Homeroom sees the following teachers:

CLICK HERE for daily bell schedules

CLICK HERE for special bell schedules

CLICK HERE for 7A's class schedule

2023-2024 school year, all classes will be seen daily.  All students will have study hall with their homeroom at the same time as the other grade level homeroom.  This should help with student collaboration and assistance.  Students can make appointments to see teachers at this time for extra assistance.

Language Arts:  Mr. Hotfelder SM2, Mrs. Barrale SM2                    85 minute block

Math: Mr. McNamee, Regular or Accelerated 

Social Studies: Mrs. McVey, homeroom teacher, opposite Math grouped with Math roster not homeroom, 7-1 (Regular Math), 7-2 (Accelerated Math)

Religion: Mr. Bellamy; blocked with Science

Science: Mrs. Moser; blocked with Religion 

All electives are open to 7th Grade, SPANISH class is separated into Regular and Honors.  PE will be grade level but mixed homeroom and gender.  There are no Computer classes in the schedule until a computer teacher is hired.

Middle School Teachers are required to submit School Supply List by grade level rather than by class.  This creates a complication in 7th grade for Language Arts.  They use different supplies.  Below is a guide to what supplies are needed for 7A and which supplies are "extra."  If you purchase supplies separately from the school THIS is a helpful list. If you buy the SGM School Supply pack, you may have extras.

Looking for the full supply list for another grade?  SGM Website.

7th Grade Supply List

Please note the items that should be brought to EVERY class in the pencil case.  This includes earbuds because of various websites and online textbooks used in Middle School.  Music streaming is against the technology use policy as it takes up bandwidth and slows down the internet for everyone.  This is extremely important as we a streaming many classes for at-home learners.