

Ms. Lauren Monahan E-mail:

Welcome! I am really excited to teach you this year. I’ve spent nineteen years teaching English, and I’ve always enjoyed helping my seniors learn the marketing tools I gained doing freelance PR to assist them in writing their essays. I also love using the skills I’ve gained via competing in writing competitions to help students articulate who they are and what their “brand” is. I love applying those skills to creating the complete application story.

Second semester we will be focusing on preparing you for college and “adulting” as we tackle long-term vision, research-based strategies for success, finding mentors/internships, building a quality Linkedin profile, financial literacy, and basic life skills. Any parent/guardian who is interested in speaking to our class to share their journey with the kids, or who knows someone who would be a compelling speaker, please contact me at

Good luck! I am eager to get started!


To provide a "workshop" atmosphere where students may learn strategies for how to research schools that align to their skills/passions/financial goals.

To give students tools for navigating high-stress periods of life like during the admissions process.

To help students build a "brand" that works cohesively in their applications.

To provide tips and workshop space for writing essays that highlight the student's core best self.

To work together as a class to stay on top of the application process and keep deadlines straight, and to have time to fill out applications.

To research scholarship techniques.

To apply to numerous scholarships.

To learn research-backed strategies for "success" and "happiness" in life.

To create a LinkedIn page with appropriate resume.

To discover what each student's strengths are, what they love/what makes them tick, and what they can contribute to the world.

To find opportunities that align to the aforementioned trio of discovery so they may start finding internships and mentors that will guide them toward chasing their best life.

To gain a cursory bit of financial literacy (loans, compound interest, credit cards, income expectations for various fields, etc.)

To learn from adults about their career paths and what "life lessons" have best helped them along their journeys/ what is possible in life. Also, what their best "learning experiences" were/what traps they've seen themselves and others fall into along the journey.

To have the time to research at depth what is important, but not urgent, in their life hopes.

To learn a bit about how to stay healthy throughout their lives.

To prepare for freshman year of college

Materials Students May Wish to Purchase:

  • A journal

  • A method for organizing their college research/apps/etc. Some students prefer a big whiteboard or poster in their rooms while others prefer online spreadsheets. To each his own.

**Note: This is not a course where I will tell each student exactly what to do. Part of the growing process is for the students to find/keep track of deadlines/fill out the applications themselves. We will review key components most applications require, but students will need to research their individual schools. Between the counselor's web page/classroom, the school's information available online, and Google, the answers are available. Most schools I've surveyed would prefer not to admit students who cannot fill out the application themselves and I do not want to undermine their process.

That said, I am more than happy to work as a consultant with them on creating a compelling overall story to present in the application (they will learn branding/marketing/writing strategies in the process), but they will need to sign up for my assistance at the start of class as needed in their individual journeys. I work through the list each day helping those who are pro-active enough to sign up. I take this self-reliance approach because I do not want to set kids up for failure in college.

****The bulk of this course happens in class so students must attend each class period. If they must miss, they will need to make up the course time, and will need to see me as soon as they return to get a make-up assignment.


Show up on time and to class every class period or email me that you will not be in attendance. You will have one grace absence per semester, but there will be make-up work for every absence thereafter.

There will be NO TIME FOR OUTSIDE HOMEWORK. When course objectives are completed, there will be a list of acceptable activities you will be allowed to work on. That "non-urgent, but important" time to be curious is VITAL to the course, and points will be deducted for the following: doing outside homework/studying, watching TV, playing video games, playing around on social media, etc.

This is a collaborative environment so most of the time you are encouraged to help each other out, but try to keep your voices low enough that others may work. Students who are focusing are encouraged to bring headphones so they may block out the workspace distractions.

Be kind and supportive to your peers. This is an emotional time; let's be good to each other.


Students must add both the counselor's Google Class and mine as soon as possible.


Access to students’ grades will be available on line at the Aries grade portal, utilizing the code that you were given at the beginning of the school year. I encourage students and parents to check grades regularly on Aeries by visiting the Aeries portal at Progress reports and report cards will be delivered electronically through the Aeries parent portal. Note: I will update Aeries about once a month, but Google Classroom will have all missing assignments logged in real-time to see which assignments are missing.

Grades are computed according to: homework, other assignments, participation, and effort. There are no weighted categories in this course. If attendance, effort, participation, and completion requirements for assignments are sufficiently met, you should have no trouble receiving a high grade (or even full credit!) for this class! If quality work is turned in that reflects real effort – on time, you receive full credit for assignments.

I anticipate a magical year! I am excited and honored to be a part of your journey to college and beyond as you transition to adulthood!!!!

Sincerely, Ms. Lauren Monahan

**Course & syllabus adapted from Jill Lax