Poetry Notebook/Project

Poetry Notebook Due: FINALS DAY 1st Semester (there will be a poetry final exam on that date)

Included in each entry:

1. Title & Poet

2. Literal meaning of poem (what is literally happening??? You must get this correct before you proceed)

3. Who is the speaker?

4. Tone? Does it shift?

5. Key stylistic techniques (pick two)

6. Deep life question (theme) poem is probing

7. How do stylistic techniques enhance the deeper question/theme?

8. Your thoughts on deeper questions/ do you agree with how poet is swaying you to think about deep life question?

9. All entries must be numbered.

Seven of Miss Monahan’s Poetry Lectures (unlike the ones in class that should be handwritten, these must be TYPED, stapled to poetry notebook AND must be turned in to turnitin.com in order to get credit):

Poetry Presentations (20-25 min. – you MUST stay in time frame & MUST be prepared to start as soon as the bell rings):

1. Prepare a Google Slides deck that you send to me BEFORE class begins and that contains the following...

2. Create a bowl prompt that preps the class for the deeper question in your poem. Feel free to be silly/creative/etc.

3. As soon as the bell rings, introduce the prompt & begin to play a song you’ve selected to prep them for the poem. The song choice should be linked thematically or stylistically and you’ll need to briefly explain the link . You may bring food to distribute quickly/quietly while kids listen/write

4. Create a 7-10 question Kahoot that includes questions several questions about the literal meaning, and also speaker, tone, and theme. (make sure you are correct and go slowly as the class will be taking notes for their poetry notebooks). You must include at least one question asking about each of the following: tone, speaker, primary purpose of the poem, relationships between stanzas/lines, the meaning of a word in context, and theme (remember a theme is a full idea and not a single word)

Here are sample questions you may use as templates: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/86ec92d4-a9b2-4f10-afcd-7734134cf25c

5. A slide that contains answers to the Poetry Notebook questions listed above.

6. Pose a provocative question or two that the poem is claiming for the class discussion. These poems are generally not simply lyric (an expression of emotions), but hit at hard life questions. Let's get real. What hard life question is the poet really asking? Challenge your peers to engage with it.

Note: If you are absent the day of your presentation, you must arrange a switch with another student ahead of time or you will forfeit your points. You may not simply “call in sick” unless you have approved “extreme distress” with me ahead of time. We only have one time slot per day and cannot double up.



p.5 (p.6)

1. 9/6(7) “A Whippoorwill in the Woods” – Amy Clampitt (Monahan)

2. 9/10 (11) “The Ballad of Birmingham”—Dudley Randall________________________________________

3. 9/12 (13) “The Red Wheelbarrow” – William Carlos Williams _____________________________________

4. 9/16 (17) “The Man He Killed” – Thomas Hardy ______________________________________________

5. 9/18 (19) “Mirror”—Silvia Plath _____________________________________________________________

6. 9/20 (23) “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” – William Wordsworth__________________________________

7. 9/24 (25) “The Solitary Reaper” – William Wordsworth___________________________________________

8. 9/26 (27) “When My Love Swears That She Is Made of Truth” – Shakespeare__________________________

9. 10/1(2) “The Naked and the Nude”—Robert Graves____________________________________________

10. 10/3(4) “Naming of Parts” – Henry Reed____________________________________________________

11. 10/7 (8) “Pathedy of Manners” – Ellen Kay____________________________________________________

12. 10/9 (10) ”A Hymn to God the Father” – John Done_____________________________________________

13. 10/11 (14) “Base Details” – Siegfried Sassoon___________________________________________________

14. 10/15 (16) “Meeting at Night & Parting at Morning” – Robert Browning______________________________

15. 10/17 (18) “After Apple Picking” – Robert Frost_________________________________________________

16. 10/21 (22) “Living in Sin” – Adrienne Rich______________________________________________________

17. 10/23 (24) “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning” – John Donne_____________________________________

18. 10/25(28) “To His Coy Mistress” – Andrew Marvell______________________________________________

19. 10/29 (30) “You, Andrew Marvell” – Archibald MacLeish_________________________________________

20. 10/31 (11/1) “Names of Horses” – Donald Hall____________________________________________________

21. 11/4 (5) “Dream Deferred” – Langston Hughes________________________________________________

22. 11/6 (7) “The Sick Rose” – William Blake___________________________________________________

23. 11/8 (11/12) “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” – Robert Herrick_______________________________

24. 11/13 (14)“Ulysses” – Alfred, Lord Tennyson_________________________________________________

25. 11/15 (18) “Incident” – Countee Cullen_____________________________________________________

26. 11/19 (20) “Ozymandias” –Percy Bysshe Shelley__________________________________________________

27. 11/21 (22) “Sorting Laundry” – Elisavietta Ritchie_________________________________________________

28. 12/2 (3) “I’m Not Complaining” – Philip Schultz_________________________________________________

29. 12/4 (5) “The Unknown Citizen” – W.H. Auden_________________________________________________

30. 12/6 (9) “The State” – Randall Jarrell_________________________________________________________

31. 12/10 (11) “Mr. Z” – M. Carl Holman___________________________________________________________

32. 12/12 (13) “Southern Cop” – Sterling A. Brown____________________________________________________

33. 12/16 (17) “On His Blindness” – John Milton______________________________________________________

34. 12/18 (19) “Miniver Cheevy” – Edwin Arlington Robinson__________________________________________

35. 12/20 (1/6) “Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins” –R.S. Gwynn _________________________________

36. 1/7 (8) “The Flea” – John Donne ___________________________________________________________

37. 1/9 (10) “Church Going” – Philip Larkin (we'll do 2 that day)________________________________________

38. 1/9 (10) “We Real Cool” – Gwendolyn Brooks (we'll do 2 that day)__________________________________

39. 1/13 (14) “Thistles” – Ted Hughes (we'll do 2 that day)_____________________________________________

40. 1/13 (14) “Shoe Shop” – Barton Sutter (we'll do 2 that day) _________________________________________


“Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”

“My House”

“The Farmer in Wet Weather”

“Fire and Ice”

“The Lamb” and “The Tyger”

“My Mistress’ Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun”

“Those Winter Sundays”

“The Road Not Taken”

“The Writer”


“Smells Like Teen Spirit”



____/100 All 52 Entries Complete, in the proper format (handwritten for all in-class notes, and typed to turnitin.com for the online notes) AND numbered correctly (both for the 52 entries and the 9 questions for each).

____/50 Analysis correct and deep/specific/insightful



____/15 Correctness of the literal meaning of poem (what is literally happening??? You must get this correct before you proceed)

____/3 Correctly defining who the speaker of the poem is

____/8 Specificity/correctness in determining tone. Does it shift? When? What is literally happening when it shifts? (must be addressed at some point in the presentation, probably when explaining correct answer for Kahoot)

___/12 Specificity, correctness, and depth when explaining how at least two key stylistic techniques are used

___/6 Specificity, correctness, and depth when explaining how key life question (theme) the poem is probing is used

___/ 8 How do stylistic techniques enhance the deeper question/theme?

___/8Your thoughts on deeper questions/ do you agree with how poet is swaying you to think about deep life question?

___/5 Did you begin when bell rang and stay within 25 minute time frame (unless permission to extend discussion was asked for & given before time limit was up)

TOTAL ___/65