Senior Seminar

You will find later homework, announcements, etc. on the Google Classroom site.

Google Classroom site:

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Past years....

Welcome Back!

Our second assignment is:

  • Bring to class 6 items in a container that sum you up best. Two of the items must involve numbers (a receipt, score card, etc.)

Our first assignment, though, is on here...

First Homework Assignment:

  1. Get the Syllabus signed by a parent/guardian & sign yourself

  2. Gratitude & Specificity Assignment

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” –Oprah Winfrey

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” –Willie Nelson

To begin the learning year, we will start on a foundation of gratitude. Your educational journey thus far has been a team effort, and it’s a good time to reflect on all of those who have helped build the foundation of your learning. You will identify 10 people who have assisted in that journey (yes. You have had at least 10 help you, and if you can’t identify them, that is an issue, and you will be graded accordingly) and will be writing one or two specific sentences for each.

You will be graded on specificity (one of the greatest tools a writer has).

Any of the sentences that could apply to anyone will not count for credit (“for always being there for me” will not count, but “for always driving me to school with your ridiculous Nickleback blaring” will count. Also, this is not a time for passive-aggressive whining. You don’t want that to be your first impression. Trust me.

****You MUST Type and use MLA formatting****

YES (You will get credit)

Dad: Thank you for filling out endless TPS reports so I could attend a good school district

Grandma: Thank you for immigrating from the Phillippines and learning a new language so I had a shot at a better education. And also the lumpia.

Janitorial Staff: Thank you for cleaning up after us; especially that time in 3rd grade when I put too much baking soda in the experiment. Sorry.

Mrs. Jenkins: Thank you for listening to me the day I didn’t make the softball team; I did much better on my history test the next period than if I’d gone in angry.

Mr. Jones: Thank you for assigning a life-size dog-building contest so I could see how much fun art could be.

NO (You will not get credit)

Mrs. Peabody: Thanks for being such a great teacher and always making class good

Grandpa: Thank you for always being such a good role model

Coach Bradley: Thanks for always believing in me.

Mr. Boo: Thanks for giving me a bad grade in Chemistry so I learned to hate the sciences.