Websites & Codes for Class

  • will be used as my gradebook. I enter grades about once a month, but any work that is turned in late for any reason (excused absence or with special permission) will be entered at the end of the quarter so if you are concerned about blank spaces in Aeries, you are encouraged to have work in on time with your peers regardless of whether or not you were present. If you wish to show your parents that you are keeping up on your work, you may show them your account and/or your annotation work in your books.

    • Also, please note that all approved late work turned in to MUST ALSO be printed out and turned in to the basket by the door with a reminder as to why it was late written on the top

    • Google Classroom will be the primary location for work to be posted and collected. If a parent is wondering if the work is completed before AERIES is updated or a student is wondering if I received work, look on your Google Classroom. All work is logged and time-stamped for when it is turned in. Major papers will also be turned in to

  • will be used the most frequently in class as most work will be turned in there. Follow the directions for setting up an account, and keep track of which email address & password you used as you will be using it often. The first time you set up an account you will need the following class code. Be sure to use the one from your class period only!:

*The password for all classes is: Shakespeare (be sure to capitalize on the "S" at the start of the word)


  • will be used occasionally to gain initial mastery of academic vocabulary. To prove your mastery, you will need to show me either a smart phone/ Chromebook with your account pulled up, or have a screen shot printed out for me that includes your name, the list title, and your level of mastery in the shot.

To find lists, search for "La Costa Canyon Literary Terms" or "La Costa Canyon Tone Words"


To be determined


  • To register for the AP Exam, you MUST do it by