
In reading, we use a variety of print and online resources to support our instruction of the Common Core State Standards. These resources include the EL Education curriculum, ReadWorks, Newsela, LearnZillion, and others. Students will engage with many forms of text and media throughout the year to build their reading skill set, vocabulary, knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, and understanding of many types of figurative language. They will also participate in the ALL Block (Additional Language and Literacy) for word work, working on writing, and reading to self. Through guided reading, students will also have the opportunity to work in a small group reading text that is best suited for their level.

This year, 5th graders will also be participating in a Genre Program. They will read at least one book from ten different assigned genres and complete a correlating activity. The purpose of the program is to expose students to quality literature from a variety of genres to help them broaden their horizons and experience books that they otherwise may never read. Each book needs to be at the student's instructional level and at least 100 pages long, with the exception of the poetry, nonfiction, and biography selections. These books will also go toward their AR (Accelerated Reader) goal each trimester.