Beta Club Bylaws

SCS Beta Club Bylaws

The Constitution of the Beta Club


Believing that credible student effort and achievement should be encouraged and rewarded, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the St. Cecilia Beta Club has instituted this organization for the promotion of these ideals, and those stated in the Beta Pledge, among our students. To implement this purpose the following articles have been adopted.

Article I

The name of this organization shall be the St. Cecilia Beta Club.

Article II


The purpose of the organization shall be: to promote the ideals of honesty, service, morality, ethical conduct, and leadership among St. Cecilia students, and to reward outstanding achievement..

Article III

Club Sponsors

The work of the local club shall be carried on under the supervision and with the advice of the club sponsors. The extent of the participation of the sponsor in the working of the organization shall be left to each sponsor's discretion. However, in all events, conducting the business meetings should be left to the students themselves.

Article IV


Section 1. Student Membership

Students in grades 4 - 8 shall be considered for membership in Beta Club.

Section 2. Qualifications

Membership is a privilege and not a right. The qualifications for membership on the part of the student shall be:

a) worthy, moral, and ethical character,

b) good mentality,

c) creditable achievement, and

d) commendable attitude.

Section 3. Selection

Students shall be selected according to their academic record and their overall attitude. Sponsors will invite all eligible students to join the St. Cecilia Beta Club.

Section 4. Club Dues

New members shall pay National Club dues the first year in either Elementary or Junior Beta Club. For Elementary Beta Club members, this will be $16 for National Dues. For Junior Beta Club member, this will be $24 for National Dues.

Old and New members may opt to also purchase a Beta Club shirt ($10) when paying dues.

Section 5. Induction

Each local club may institute a dignified service for the induction of new members into the organization. The local chapter shall determine the nature and procedure of this ceremony. At this induction, the inductees will be asked to subscribe to the Beta Club pledge. At all induction exercises the principal, the president of the local club, or some designated leader shall outline in a brief talk the purposes and objectives of the club. An officer shall then read the pledge slowly, having the inductees repeat each line. The newly inducted members shall then be presented their certificates and membership cards and declared duly elected to full membership in the organization.

Section 6. Pledge

I hereby declare that I shall always strive to be honest and truthful at all times; to maintain a creditable scholastic record; to be of service to my teachers and fellowmen; and to conduct myself in an ethical and moral manner to reflect credit upon my school and community.

Section 7. Maintaining Membership

    • Students must be able to maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average every nine weeks (with no D’s or F’s).

    • Students must have A's and B’s in conduct

    • Students must complete and turn in Religion Service Hours each quarter.

Section 8. Probation

Students may be on probation for the following reasons:

    • failing to maintain a 3.0 GPA

    • failing to earn A's and B’s in conduct

    • earning D’s or F’s in any subject

    • not turning in Religion service hours

A student has 9 weeks to improve grades in subjects or conduct. Grades will be checked at the end of the next 9 week grading period. If the student fails to improve grades in the necessary areas, his membership from Beta Club will be revoked.

Sponsors maintain the ability to revoke membership of any member at any time and for any reasons which appear to be sufficient (i.e. behavior unbecoming a Beta). A member may be reinstated, with no additional membership fee, when the sponsor determines that the student is once again worthy of membership.

Article V

Chapter Officers

Our chapter shall elect officers. Officers are Class Representatives for each grade level. These officers shall be elected by the members who will be active in the club the following year. Elections shall be held in the Spring. The Class Representatives shall attend Beta officer meetings and regular Beta meetings. Representatives will assist run monthly meetings and chair any assigned Beta committees. The number of representatives necessary will be determined by the sponsors.

Article VI


Section 1. Chapter Meetings

Our chapter will meet approximately once a month.

Section 2. Suggested Order of Business

    1. Meeting called to order by presiding officer.

    2. Prayer.

    3. Roll call.

    4. Old Business

    5. New Business

    6. Service Project Work

    7. Adjournment

    8. Social Period

Article VII


Our club may attend District and State Beta Conventions each year. Students may attend only if they fit the criteria for each convention.

Section 1. District Convention

Students may attend District Beta Convention if he is representing our club in one of the competitions.

Other students may be invited to attend to watch the day’s activities.

Section 2. State Convention

Sponsors will determine what makes a student eligible to attend State Convention and will disseminate that information to the members at the start of the year.

To be eligible to attend State Convention during the 2022-2023 school year, you must:

  • maintain a 3.0 GPA

  • earn A's in conduct in EVERY class

  • earn at least 2 Official Beta Events (OBE) by the end of October

  • pay Convention fees on time

Article VIII

Official Beta Events (OBE)

Official Beta Events will be service events hosted by or others specified by the sponsors. Below are examples of SOME of the events that would count as an OBE

    • assist at Sacred Heart Church's Vacation Bible School

    • assist with Campus Beautification

    • Spirit shirt distribution

    • Dance set up and clean up

    • Paint the Town Red Decorations

    • Working at the Broussard Community Fair

    • Advent party committee

    • Talent Show

    • Mardi Gras Decoration Team

    • National Beta Club Week Committee

Article IX

Identification and Recognition

Section 1. Motto

The Motto of the club shall be "Let us lead by serving others."

Section 2. Colors

The colors of the Beta Club shall be old gold and black.