Daily Scrum

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Context: The ScrumTeam is either starting or working within a Sprint.

Problem: What is the best way to keep track of the status of the outstanding work within a Sprint?


too much/too little time between,

too much/too little detail about the status.

too much/too little horizon for planned tasks

Solution: Have a short inspect-adapt meeting, that lasts about 15 min, every day, to answer the following 3 questions for each of the participants:

1) what did I accomplish since the last Daily Scrum?

2) what are the impediments to make progress

3) what will I be doing until the next DailyScrum?

Only team members can talk during these meetings, and they can only answer the questions above, or make plans for follow-up meetings to collaborate with one another. The meeting should take place at the same place and at the same time. The meeting improves communication, provides project knowledge to everyone, promotes collaborations among team members, and supports quick decision making. It also replaces many other longer meetings and therefore avoids waste.

Resulting Context: the team members are ready to realize the work until the next DailyScrum