This site is no longer maintained, but we hope you find something useful!

Vermont's Digital Backpack

Supporting Learning Opportunities to Master Transferable Skills


(Please contribute by clicking on the links at the bottom of each tab.)

Theresa Akerley

Alysia Backman

Karen Bohmann

Deirdre Donovan

Sinyoung Evans

Emily Gilmore

Theresa Mazza

Christie Nold

Joyce Sheehey

Kim Watkin

Editorial Board

Kristen Courcelle

Peter Drescher

Emily Jenkins

Deborah Jiloty

Brad Miller

Jon Morris

Lauren Parren

Scott Thompson

Steve Webster


from Dynamic Landscapes/VermontFest

Lisa Barry

Ed Bianchi

Kim Dumont

Jessica Gibble

Kim Hamel

Steve Haney

Joseph Jones

Lori Lisai

Casey McGill

Stephanie McMahan

Troy Paradee

Nic Phillips

Pat Phillips

Gregory Russell

Daniel Schmitz

Amy Skapof

Sheena Strada

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