By the end of this unit I can...

-simplify a radical expression

-solve quadratic equations by finding square roots

-factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines

-graph a quadratic function

-determine the vertex of a quadratic function

-determine the x-intercept(s) of a quadratic function

-determine the y-intercept of a quadratic function

-perform operations with rational and irrational numbers

-perform operations with and simplify complex numbers

-find the conjugate of a complex number

-solve quadratic equations by completing the square

-rewrite a quadratic function in vertex form

-solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula

-derive the quadratic formula using completing the square

-use the discriminant to determine how many and what type of solutions that a quadratic equation has

-solve a system of equations consisting of a linear equation and quadratic equation

-translate a quadratic function both vertically and horizontally

-compare the vertices of two different quadratic functions that are represented in different forms