9th Grade Mythology

Welcome Grade 9 Students and Parents!

Mr. Ryan's Grade Mythology block meets each day from 8:00-9:40 between Oct 21 and Nov 8. There is no school on Nov 1st.

Assume that homework assignments should be turned in on the next class following the listed assignment date unless specified in CAPS. In the interest of time, all written work may be typed. This class is being supported through an afternoon Main Lesson taught by Ms. Romens.

This list is updated regularly. Please email me with questions: eryan@santafewaldorf.org.

Monday, Oct 21: Prepare to present a creation myth to the class (small group).

Tuesday Oct 22: Create a summary of a creation myth (RD due WED)

Wednesday Oct 23: Write a creation myth of your own using motifs of a creation myth due FRI (2-3 pages)

Thursday Oct 24: Write a creation myth of your own using motifs of a creation myth due FRI

Friday Oct 25: work on Cover Page image

Monday, Oct 28: Revise myth summary for next week; work on Cover Page image

Tuesday Oct 29: work on Hero's Journey Star Wars page

Wednesday Oct 30: work on Hero's Journey Star Wars page

Thursday Oct 31: Write a Hero's Journey myth of your own using the Hero's Journey wheel (2-3 pages); revise your creation myth; show how events in Star Wars apply to stages of a hero's journey

Friday Nov 1: No class for conferences day

Monday Nov 4: What makes a Trickster Myth page; revise Hero's Journey for ML book

Tuesday Nov 5: Create a summary of a Trickster Myth

Wednesday Nov 6: Revise summary of Trickster Myth; all ML book Pages due on FRI

Thursday Nov 7: Final Reflection Essay due with ML Book

Friday Nov 8: All ML Book pages Due!!! End of Course.