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Search the internet to find these answers? Nasa has the best answers. Sometimes Wikipedia is good too.


Define what a Star is...

1. What is the name of the nearest star(not the Sun)? How far way is it?

2. Does the nearest star have planets?

3. What is the name and size of the largest star?


Define what a Galaxy is..

4. What is the name of the farthest galaxy? How far is it?

5. What is the name of the closest galaxy? How far is it?

6. What is the name of the largest known galaxy? How far away is it?

7. What is the name of the smallest galaxy? How far away is it?


Define what a Nebula is..

8. What is the closest nebula? How far away is it? What constellation is it in?


Define what a Planet is..

9. What is the largest known planet? What star does it orbit? How far way is it?

10. What is the name of the smallest known planet? How far away is it?

Hubble Telescope

11. What is the Hubble Telescope?

12. Where is it?

13. Why is it not on Earth(something about the atmosphere)

14. How long will it be in use?

Black Holes

Define what a Black Hole is..

15. What is believed to be in the center of our(Milky Way) galaxy?

16. What is the latest thought(current research) on what happens when one enters a black hole?

17. How is it believed that black holes form?

18. Has anyone ever witnessed a black hole form?


19. Define: Light year in your own terms that you can understand.

20. Define: AU(astronomical unit)