Volcanoes and More

Go to the indicated links, read, and then answer questions. I do want you to read.

Mt. Cleveland, Alaska

1. Where is it?

2. Identify the type of eruption as rift, hotspot, or subduction?

3. Draw a cross-section(or profile) of the plate boundary.


1. What is this?

2. How is it demonstrated?

3. What causes it?

The East African Rift Valley

1. What is this and where is the East African Rift?

2. How did it form?

3. Endeavor to sketch a cross-section of this rift.

Hawaiian Islands

1. What type of eruption is this?

2. What is the name of the plate that Hawaii is situated on?

3. Draw a cross-section showing plate motion and sub-surface activity.

4. What is the Emperor Seamount Chain?


1. Where is Yellowstone?

2. What is a Supervolcano?

3. What causes this volcanic activity?

4. What are geysers?

Chicxulub Crater

1. Where is this?

2. How is this crater associated with the death of the dinosaurs?

3. How long ago did this form?

4. Who was the scientist that hypothesized that a large extra-terrestrial body had struck earth causing MASS EXTINCTION?

5. How is a layer of iridium related to this?

Deccan Traps

1. Where are the Deccan Traps?

2. What does the word "trap" mean?

3. How does this event relate to the Chicxlub event in terms of timing?