Calendar Troubleshooting

Calendar Troubleshooting

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How do I sign in to my Saint Mary's Google Apps account?

  1. Go to in any current web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Internet Explorer).

  2. Enter your Saint Mary's user name and password where prompted.

  3. Click on the Sign In button or press the Return key.

  4. To access your Google Calendar, click on the word Calendar at the top of the page.

I'm having problems logging into my Saint Mary's Google Apps account. What should I try?

  1. Go to in any current web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Internet Explorer).

  2. In the upper right corner of the web browser, you will see one of two options:

    • A Sign in button

    • An e-mail address, most likely your Saint Mary's e-mail address or a personal Gmail e-mail address.

  3. If you see a Sign in button, click on it. In the Email field, enter your entire Saint Mary's e-mail address (including and your Saint Mary's password. Click on the Sign In button.

  4. If you see a e-mail address listed, click on the address and then click on the Sign Out button. Click on the Sign in button. In the Email field, enter your entire Saint Mary's e-mail address (including and your Saint Mary's password. Click on the Sign In button.

  5. If you see your e-mail address listed, you are already logged into Google Apps. Click on the Mail, Calendar, or preferred Google Apps link at the top of the web browser to access your files.

My Google Calendar is empty - no events are listed. How do I get them to appear?

Please try the following:

  1. Reload (or Refresh) the page.

  2. Sign out of Google Apps and then sign in to Google Apps again.

  3. Clear the cache and cookies of your web browser.

    • Instructions are available here.

  4. Try a different web browser. Saint Mary's College and Google recommend using current versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Internet Explorer to access Google Apps.

    • For details on Google's supported web browsers, please visit here.

  5. Reboot your computer.

If those steps do not resolve the issue, and no error messages appear about your Google Calendar, please check the following:

  1. Does the calendar you wish to view appear in the list on the left of the Google Calendar page? You will need to turn your calendar on by clicking on the calendar name to display its events. Calendars that are turned on should have a colored box to the left of the calendar name, calendars that are turned off will have a white box to the left of the calendar name.

  2. Is your primary calendar (the first calendar in the list under My Calendars in the left column) blank, even though it previously had events listed? If so, the calendar may have been deleted. Events on primary calendars cannot be restored by a Google Apps Administrator at Saint Mary's College or by Google Support. (Deleting the primary calendar deletes all events but the primary calendar is not removed - it is just blank.)

I'm seeing the error “Oops, we couldn’t load your calendar/event” or “Oops, calendar is temporarily unavailable” when trying to access my Google Calendar or an event. What should I do?

The most common cause of these errors is a problem with your Internet connection to Google. Please try the following to reload your calendar and events:

  1. Reload (or Refresh) the page.

  2. Sign out of Google Apps and then sign in to Google Apps again.

  3. Clear the cache and cookies of your web browser.

    • Instructions are available here.

  4. Try a different web browser. Saint Mary's College and Google recommend using current versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Internet Explorer to access Google Apps.

    • For details on Google's supported web browsers, please visit here.

  5. Reboot your computer.

  6. Additional information is available at

I'm seeing the error “Server Failure. Please try again” when trying to access my Google Calendar or an event. What should I do?

This is usually a temporary error that does not affect the events on your Google Calendar.

Please try reloading (or refreshing) the page.

If the issue persists for an hour or more, and/or the issue is experienced by multiple users, please report the issue to Information Technology staff:

Faculty/Staff: Contact the Helpdesk at or 574-284-4715.

Students: Contact ResNet at or 574-284-5319.

You can also check to see if this is a known outage with Google's services. Google's Apps Status Dashboard allows you to check the performance status of Google Apps services.

I'm not receiving event notifications. What should I do?

You can set up default event notifications within your Google Calendar to appear as a pop-up or an e-mail message prior to your event.

If you are no longer receiving event notifications, please try resetting your Google Calendar notifications. Instructions are available at

I'm receiving event notifications, but they arrive at the wrong time. What should I do?

Please verify that you have set the correct time zone for your Google Calendar. For most individuals, your Google Calendar should be set to (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time - the time zone that Saint Mary's College is located in.

For instructions on how to change the time zone associated with a particular calendar, visit

I am sharing a calendar, but the individuals I am sharing it with cannot see it. What should I do, or what should they do?

When you share a calendar, it should automatically appear in their Google Calendar under their My Calendars. They should also receive an e-mail indicating that a calendar has been shared with them. For specific information on how to share a calendar with an individual, visit

If the shared calendar cannot be seen by those it has been shared with:

  1. Make sure the individual has the shared calendar turned on. Turn the calendar on by clicking on the calendar name to display its events. Calendars that are turned on should have a colored box to the left of the calendar name, calendars that are turned off will have a white box to the left of the calendar name.

  2. Reset the sharing of the calendar. Remove the sharing for the individuals you have shared the calendar with. Save the settings, and then share the calendar and set the permissions for the individuals who should be able to access the calendar.

I'm seeing the error "You've reached the limit" or "Oops" when I try to add additional users to my events or share my calendar with others.

Google has daily limits on usage - please wait 24 hours before trying to add users to events or share your calendars with others.

You can share calendars with up to 75 accounts in a day.

There is a maximum number of 500 attendees that can be invited to a Google Calendar event. When you view the calendar event, only the first 100 users are displayed in the guest list due to window size. If you need to invite more than 500 people to an event, you will need to create duplicate events and place no more than 500 people in each. Once you have created the first event in your Calendar, you can create duplicates of the event by selecting to Edit Event, going to the More Actions pop-up menu, then selecting Duplicate Event.

All current, known Calendar bugs can be found at:

Calendar User Help Center