Art Museums

Need something to do on the weekend, or a rainy or cold day...

Check out the Children's Museum of the Arts

Founded in October 1988 by Kathleen Schneider, the museum has been located in the Manhattan neighborhood of SoHo since its inception. As CMA’s audience grew in size, its young artists grew as well, eventually outgrowing the facility on Lafayette Street. CMA needed a larger space to expand its programming, reaching more communities and kids up to age 15. In 2010, CMA broke ground on a former loading dock west of SoHo, working with architects and developers to create a state-of-the art facility that would benefit a range of ages and abilities. Children’s Museum of the Arts opened the doors to its new 10,000 sq ft. home on Charlton Street in 2011. Since then, CMA has served hundreds of thousands of children and families, 27% free of charge.

Check out the Children's Museum of Manhattan (FIRST FLOOR)

Art, Artists & You is a new interactive experience aimed at encouraging children and their families to explore self-expression and identity through art-making. This dynamic, hands-on environment at the Children’s Museum (212 West 83rd Street) offers visitors unique opportunities to watch, follow, collaborate with, and take inspiration from working contemporary artists in studio workspaces created especially for this exhibit at the Museum.

The Guggenheim "A Year with Children 2019" Art Display - Learning Through Art (LTA), the Guggenheim’s pioneering arts education program, presents A Year with Children 2019. This annual presentation showcases select artworks by students in grades two through six from twelve public schools that participated in the LTA program during the 2018–19 school year. More than one hundred creative and imaginative works, including collages, drawings, found objects, installations, paintings, poems, and prints, are on display.