Electronic Safety

Fast Facts


•   90% of households have three or more devices.

•   Kids ages 8-18 spend more than 7 hours a day engaged in tech & media.

•   80% of 18-24-year-olds sleep with their phones right next to their heads.

• An average person checks their phone 110 times per day often without reason while others check their phone as much as 900 times per day.

Tips for Internet Safety



*Emotional Connection Relies On Facial Expressions, Voice Intonation, Body Language and Sharing of Metaphysical Energy

*The reading of emotions, even when face-to-face, requires practice & frequent checking in.Without feedback, misunderstandings multiply exponentially, and assumptions can become truths before they are truly examined. (Psychology Today)

*Scientists found that 6th graders who went 5 days without even glancing at a smartphone or other digital screen did substantially better at reading human emotions than 6th graders from the same school who continued to spend hours each day looking at their electronic devices. (UCLA Newsroom, 2014)


Technology Addiction by Simon Sinek


Digital Insanity


Why We should wait until the 8th to give our kids Smart Phones!   Check out this site and read ALL the researched reasons why we should wait:

Wait Until The 8th 

*Consider using a Cell Phone Contract to help teach your child about appropriate usage  (use and revise at your discretion):

Cell Phone Contract


Failure to keep to this contract leads to immediate removal of cell phone for a time determined by parents.


I will only communicate on this phone with people I know and trust.



I will not bring my phone to family meals.



I will only look at, listen to, or communicate things on this phone that I wouldn’t mind my parents seeing.




I will not seek emotional support through the phone, but rather speak with a person face-to-face.



I will respect the rules and guidelines for phones at home, school, or other activities.



This phone will charge overnight in a common room of the house and not in my bedroom.



I understand my parents have the right to look at my phone anytime even without my permission.




I will use my phone for positive communication and refrain from phone use to express negative emotions or to resolve conflicts.



I understand that having a phone is a privilege that can be revoked because of inappropriate use or choices.



If I lose or break my phone it will be my responsibility to replace or fix it.



I can have a possible1- 2 hours of internet usage on phone only when my parents are home and all other responsibilities are complete.           

 Initial   ________


Child Signature                                                                  



Parent Signature                                                                



A cell phone can be a great tool or a dangerous weapon.  Use it wisely.