Chinese 2/Pre-AP2 中文2

Introduction: Chinese 2 is considered as a novice high to intermediate low language course built on Chinese 1. Students will continue to accumulate vocabulary, learn character and grammar, form longer sentences, exchange opinions, and make presentations. Different cultural and social topics will continue to be discussed. Students will use Easy Steps to Chinese Level 2 as the main reference book, with additional learning materials provided.

This is a class with students who are aiming at different levels of language proficiency and may have different plans for AP exam, so students will have the differentiated assignments to fit into their individual levels besides the common teaching contents and assignments. The differentiated assignments may include in-class quiz, homework, test, project, and any other activities that will facilitate each student’s capability and level of understanding.


  • Understand sentence-length spoken and written information.

  • Engage in oral and written communication to express meanings in simple, predictable contexts through the use of learned phrases and short sentences.

  • Describe people, objects, and situations orally and in writing with simple elaboration.

  • Express an opinion with supporting statements.

Grading Policy:

See Grading Policy Page

Introduction: Pre-AP 2 is considered as an intermediate language course built on Chinese 1. Students will continue to accumulate vocabulary, learn character and grammar, form complex sentences, exchange opinions, and make presentations. Different cultural and social topics will continue to be discussed. Students will use Easy Steps to Chinese Level 2 as the main reference book, with additional learning materials provided.

This is a class with students who are aiming at different levels of language proficiency and may have different plans for AP exam, so students will have the differentiated assignments to fit into their individual levels besides the common teaching contents and assignments. The differentiated assignments may include in-class quiz, homework, test, project, and any other activities that will facilitate each student’s capability and level of understanding.


  • Understand some information from simple connected statements in oral or written sources.

  • Negotiate meaning in straightforward and personal contexts.

  • Express and defend an opinion or preference orally and in writing with supporting statements.

  • Narrate situation and inform others orally and in writing about a variety of topics with details.

  • The class will be delivered in Chinese primarily with English as a secondary method for facilitation as needed.

Grading Policy:

See Grading Policy Page