Rochester Art

Classroom Video.mp4

Welcome to the Rochester High School art website for my Art 1 through 4 classes. On this website you will find all the information you need through the menu located in the top left corner.

Mr. Rex

217-498-9761 EXT. 1126

My Teaching Philosophy

Art education is a vital part of our schools foundation in Rochester. As a cutting edge school embracing modern educational ideals, the arts cover many of these criteria. The art classroom prepares students for the real world by embracing creativity, problem solving, peer collaboration, and by encouraging students to explore without fear of failure.

The art classroom is an environment that fosters learning and creativity through well crafted lessons. Artists explore the elements and principles of design, along with art history, by using unique materials and new techniques. The art classroom provides an experience for artists from which they will leave with meaningful lessons. Artists will be encouraged to be true artists, who explore without fear of failure. Artists who will develop their craft, persist through problems, express themselves, collaborate with others, and seek to understand the world of art.

Artists will participate in a variety of unique lessons that challenge them to explore their own unique skills and creativity. Each artist will display their own level of excellence by persevering through problems and developing creative solutions. Throughout the year, artists will use a variety of materials which will help them discover new techniques and processes for creating artwork. In the classroom setting, artists will collaborate throughout multiple stages of each lessons to offer critiques and advice for improvement. Artists will also explore art history and develop relevant connections to the real world and their own work.

Our art classroom will equip learners with tangible skills that can be applied to any field they decide to pursue in the future. Art will allow students to discover what makes them unique compared to the millions of people in the world. Skills developed through planning, collaboration, trial and error, and exploration will allow learners to access a new creative intuition that will set them apart from others. It will allow them to push the boundaries of what they think is possible in their future fields. I do not expect every student to pursue art once they leave Rochester, but I do expect them to succeed. Our art classroom will give students the skills to thrive and be successful in the real world.

Quick Links To Class Documents

Classroom Management Plan