Mirror Project

Students must create a drawing based project that uses a mirror in a unique and creative way. The requirements for the project are as follows:

  • Must use a mirror in class or create your own reference. You MAY NOT use a photo that you find online. No copyright or plagiarism for this project.
  • Must be a drawing based project. This means pencil, colored pencil, pastel, charcoal, pen, and other mediums.
  • Should not be done in your sketchbook. Get better supplies from the classroom.
  • An Art 3 quality project is expected. This means planning, strong composition, mood, meaning, and clean craftsmanship.

Mirror drawing projects will be graded using the following:

  • Elements and principles - use of line, shape, color
  • Value and Contrast - creating a range of value in your work
  • Composition - arrangement of elements and principles in your work of art.
  • Creativity - Original resources, creative concept
  • Craftsmanship - skilled use of your selected supply
