Art 2 Example Portfolio

Please make a copy of the presentation the first time you access the link!

Art 2 Example Portfolio

Your will be using the same art portfolio presentation for the entire year, so make sure it is organized in your drive. You will access this presentation at the end of every project. We use the portfolio to keep track of the artwork we have created. We also use the presentation to reflect on the creation of the project.

New slides will be uploaded as we move throughout the year, so use the link to copy and paste slides.

Portfolios are worth 100 points at the end of each semester. You are graded on:

  1. Having all the slides
  2. Answering all the questions in complete sentences with thoughtful insight
  3. Having a quality photo of your artwork uploaded and cropped
  4. Giving a title to each piece of art
  5. The readability of your presentation
    1. Are questions and answer easy to read
    2. Are slides organized
    3. Have you added a template