Kindergarten Exploring the World with Our Senses
Scope and Sequence
Scope and Sequence
Suggested Time Frame: Kindergarten Science Curriculum Map
Suggested Time Frame: Kindergarten Science Curriculum Map
The Kindergarten Science Curriculum Map is aligned to the Thematic Scope and Sequence (see below).
The Kindergarten Science Curriculum Map outlines the following information:
- Recommended pacing, scope, and sequence for each unit.
- Alignment with standards, conceptual understandings, and performance indicators
- Links to Unit Concept Storyboard Maps, Content and SEP Support Documents, and Curriculum Guides
- Details for Evidence of Understanding, Essential Learning Experiences, and Suggested Learning Engagements
- Where appropriate, alignment with specific FOSS, DSM, GEMS, and STC kit Activities and Investigations
- Thematic Units: Elements of these standards are addressed during the following thematic units
- 5 Senses
- 1st NW/1 week
- Apples
- 1st NW/1-2 weeks
- Pumpkins
- 2nd NW/1-2 weeks
- Fall Weather
- 2nd NW/1-2 weeks
- Thanksgiving
- 2nd NW/1 week
- Snow/Winter Weather
- 3rd NW/2-3 weeks
- Plants
- 4th NW/2 weeks
- Spring Weather
- 4th NW/2 weeks
- Summer Weather
- 4th NW/1 week
- 5 Senses
Standards and Vertical Alignment
Standards and Vertical Alignment
Science Standards, Conceptual Understandings, and Indicators
Science Standards, Conceptual Understandings, and Indicators
- K.L.2A: Animals (including humans) use different body parts to obtain food and other resources needed to grow and survive.
- K.L.2A.4 Analyze and interpret data to describe how humans use their senses to learn about the world around them.
Prior Learning Experiences
Prior Learning Experiences
- This is the first time this content is introduced
- This content overlaps with the following Health Education standards:
- G-K.1.1 Name the major body parts.
- G-K.1.2 Name the five senses and describe what they do.
Future Learning Experiences
Future Learning Experiences
- This content is not revisited during K-5 science
- This content overlaps with the following Health Education standards:
- G-K.1.1 Name the major body parts.
- G-K.1.2 Name the five senses and describe what they do.
Learning Goals, Skills, and Concepts
Learning Goals, Skills, and Concepts
Learning Goals
Learning Goals
- Students will conduct observations using their five senses and will describe how they use their senses to learn about the world around them.
Skills and Concepts
Skills and Concepts
- Analyze and Interpret Data- SEP Support Document
- Senses- Essential Knowledge Support Document
Cross Cutting Concepts
Cross Cutting Concepts
- Structure and Function: Students should be able to equate the structure of a body part with the function of that body part in terms of gathering information through their five senses.
Science Concept Storyboard
Science Concept Storyboard
This link will take you to a print-friendly version of the science concept storyboard.
Essential Learning
Essential Learning
Core Essential Learning Experience(s)
Core Essential Learning Experience(s)
- It is ESSENTIAL that students use their senses to gather observational data about their world and describe how they use their senses to learn.
Essential Questions
Essential Questions
- How do we know about the world around us?
- How does my body help me learn about the world?
Essential Vocabulary
Essential Vocabulary
- Eyes
- See
- Nose
- Smell
- Ears
- Hear
- Tongue
- Taste
- Skin
- Touch
- Senses
Lessons and Activities
Lessons and Activities
Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons/Examples
Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons/Examples
Lessons and Activities:
- How Do We Learn (DSM Kit) Investigation 1
- Insights (Kendall Hunt Kit: from 2005 standards Adoption)
- Learning Experiences
- Introduction to the Senses
- Seeing
- Making Things Bigger (hand lens)
- Observing Outdoors (nature walk)
- Mystery Bags (Feely Box)
- A Touching Walk (texture)
- Hearing
- Mystery Sounds
- Sound Walk (listening carefully)
- The Sense of Smell
- Mystery Smells (scent jars)
- Tasting (sweet, salty, sour)
- Popcorn (Using all the senses)
- Learning Experiences
- Pearson SC Interactive Science Textbook:
- Chapter 2 Lesson 7
- Chapter 4 Lesson 1 & 2
- AIMS Activities: 2005 SC Science AIMS Kindergarten
- Parts
- The Eyes Have It
- Seeing is Not Always Believing
- The Art of Tasting
- Canned Scents
- The Napping Nose
- Making Sense of What You Smell
- Big Ears
- Secret Sounds
- Walk, Stop, and Listen
- Touch and Tell
- SCDE Model Kindergarten Unit Activities
- Activities on the Five Senses:
- Taste Test (Page 21)
- Scent Activity (Page 22)
- Sight/Touch Activities (Page 23)
- Sound Activities (Page 24)
- Mr. Potato Head activities
- Hearing
- Anatomy of the ear & how it works
- Listening Bingo
- Make musical instruments
- Sight
- Anatomy of the eye and how pupils work
- Blindfold obstacle course
- Sensory (feely) box
- Magnifying glasses activities
- Smell
- Scent jars (guess the smell activities)
- Cooking activities
- Taste
- Anatomy of the taste buds on your tongue
- Taste test sweet, sour, salty, bitter items
- Apple investigation
- Touch
- Skin & nerves produce describable feelings (ie. pain, hot, cold)
- Sensory (feely) box
- Shaving cream activities
- Texture walk
- Make a feely hand craft with different textures glued on
- Activities on the Five Senses:
Experiments, Field Studies, Visitors:
- Apple exploration investigation
- 5 senses exploration
- Sort by color,
- Taste & graph favorites
- Make applesauce (smell as it cooks)
- Sink / float
- Popcorn exploration
- Pop popcorn in air popper & discuss smell, taste, sound, texture and sight of it flying up into the air out of the popper
- Sesqui park
- Camp Discovery
- Nature Walk around campus
- Ophthalmologist
- Audiologist
- Dermatologist
- Service Dog Visit
Workshop and Centers Integration:
- Feely box in Dramatic Play
- Scent jars in Dramatic play
- High frequency word activities using magnifying glasses to spot hidden words in pictures
- Rice bin object sort (by color, texture, etc.)
- Sensory balloon match
- Texture walk
- Cut and paste 5 senses book making
- My five senses printables and activities:
Projects and Experiential Learning:
- Cooking
- Pals Service Dogs
Assessment Ideas
Assessment Ideas
- SCDE Sample Formative Assessment Tasks (Page 8)
- (K.L.2A.4) Students will be given a description of events taking place around them (example: smell something burning, see dark grey smoke, hear a siren). They must analyze and evaluate the information to draw conclusions about what is happening and what they need to do in order to remain safe.
- Exit slip using checkpoints in the text
- Fist to five
- Turn & Talk
- Think/Pair/ share
- Observations during investigations
- Observations during centers and workshop
- Observations during Dramatic Play
- Vocabulary Smart Cards Games
- Discussions
- Teacher observation check sheets from workshop and center activities
Additional Resources
Additional Resources
- Pearson Interactive SC Science videos
- Brain Pop Jr
- Brain Pop Jr. Sound
- Brain pop Jr. Making Observations
- Youtube
- The Five Senses song:
- Discovery education videos:
- Magic School bus journey inside the nose video segment (2:23)
- The Fabulous Five Senses (15 min)
- Sid the Science Kid All My Senses (24 Min)
- Literature:
- Pdf of recommended books on the five senses:
- My Five Senses, by Aliki
- Sense Suspense: A Guessing Game for the Five Senses By Bruce McMillan
- I Hear a Pickle: and Smell, See, Touch, & Taste it Too! By, Rachel Isadora
- The Magic School Bus Comes to it’s Senses by Margaret Miller
- The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses by Joanna Cole
- My Five Senses By Margaret Miller
- Sight by Maria Rius
- Hearing by Maria Rius
- Smell by Maria Rius
- Taste by Maria Rius
- Touch by Maria Rius
- A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni
- Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? By Bill Martin, Jr,
- Reading A to Z:
- Beyond the Five Senses
- Reading A to Our Five Senses
Harbor Seal, Volcano, Flowers, and Robot Banner Images Courtesy of National Science FoundationHurricane Banner Image Courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationGalaxy Banner Image Courtesy of NASA