3rd Grade Science Units

3rd Grade Science Curriculum Map

The 3rd Grade Science Curriculum Map outlines the following information:

    1. Recommended pacing, scope, and sequence for each unit.
    2. Alignment with standards, conceptual understandings, and performance indicators
    3. Links to Unit Concept Storyboard Maps, Content and SEP Support Documents, and Curriculum Guides
    4. Details for Evidence of Understanding, Essential Learning Experiences, and Suggested Learning Engagements
    5. Where appropriate, alignment with specific FOSS, DSM, GEMS, and STC kit Activities and Investigations


Unit Focus

  • The focus of this unit is for students to gather information through research and acquire data through observations and measurements about organisms and their interactions in their habitats. Students will select or be assigned a habitat and conduct research through informational sources and observations how animals and plants interact and are adapted to survive in their habitat.


Unit Focus

  • Part of the focus of this unit is for students to gather data through observations and measurements of rocks, minerals, and soils in order to identify, describe, and classify different samples. Students will investigate the physical properties of these Earth materials and, using identification charts and resources, identify and classify unknown specimens. Based on their physical properties, students will research different Earth materials and determine how humans obtain, use, and conserve them.
  • Part of the focus of this unit is for students to gather data through research, observation, and measurement of different Earth processes and describe how these processes result in landforms and impact human activities. Students will gather data through direct observation of weather, erosion, and deposition and will construct explanations for how moving water results in the distribution of water and different landforms on the Earth’s surface. Students will define problems related to these processes and design solutions.


Unit Focus

  • The focus of this unit is for students to gather data through observations and measurements to classify matter as a solid, liquid, or gas and to investigate how heat transfer and the adding or removing heat results in changes in matter. Students will determine through investigations how changes in heat affect states of matter and how heat transfer can be facilitated and/or inhibited by conductors and insulators.


Unit Focus

  • The focus of this unit is for students to carry out investigations to explain how electrical energy is transformed into other forms of energy, including electromagnetic attraction, through electrical circuits. Students will determine how to construct a simple electrical circuit using a battery, wires, a switch, and a bulb. Students will demonstrate how electrical energy can be transformed into other forms of energy (light, sound, heat, motion) through a simple circuit. Students will create and test a simple electromagnet by applying their understanding of simple circuits.
Harbor Seal, Volcano, Flowers, and Robot Banner Images Courtesy of National Science FoundationHurricane Banner Image Courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationGalaxy Banner Image Courtesy of NASA