5th Grade Science assessment Item Practice Banks

The following links are for documents with model science practice item banks.

It is HIGHLY recommended that teachers uses these to help their students unpack and make sense of their authentic learning experiences, as formative assessment tools, and to practice making connections between the learning and assessment.

All items are original items drafted by Ed Emmer.

All items have been vetted and reviewed for validity and reliability.

No claim is made that these items reflect specific items present on South Carolina Science State Standardized Tests.

5th Grade Performance Task Model Assessments

  • This page allows access to performance task model assessment that teachers can use as alternates to more traditional summative assessments.
Harbor Seal, Volcano, Flowers, and Robot Banner Images Courtesy of National Science FoundationHurricane Banner Image Courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationGalaxy Banner Image Courtesy of NASA