Middle School Transition

Is your child transitioning to RHAM Middle School?

The middle school conducts a variety of transition activities in order to get students ready, and comfortable, with coming to RHAM. In early Spring, the MS School Counseling department conducts an annual "Road Show" during which the counselors visit each sending school (Hebron, Andover, and Marlborough) in order to provide information about the middle school to 6th graders in the comfort of their own school environment. In early May, each of the sending schools also spends a day visiting RHAM in order to help acclimate students to the building, staff, resources, and of course, the cafeteria. The Middle School also hosts a 6th Grade Parent Night so that parents can also obtain information about middle school offerings and expectations, meet staff, and tour the building. In addition, the Middle School is open in the summer for Walk-Around days where parents can bring their students to casually walk their new schedule, find and practice using their locker, and locate important places, such as the main office, Nurse's office, Guidance office, and most importantly, the cafeteria. We encourage you to take advantage of these offerings so that you and your child are as prepared as possible for the transition to RHAM Middle School.

Questions? Please contact us at 860-228-5302

RMS Special Education Orientation.pdf
Description of Extracurricular Activities.pdf
Homework tips.pdf