Post-Secondary & Adult Planning


Job Corps

Please contact your school counselor for more information on this federally funded program that can provide you your high school diploma, employment skills and employment for those up to age 24 years of age.  Information can be found at


College Options for Students with Disabilities- Click on the college to see each schools' website.

Did you know that your son/daughter becomes a legal adult according to the law when he/she turns 18 years old? 

According to the State Department of Developmental Services(

 "When persons in the State of Connecticut turns 18 years of age, they are considered to be an adult.  That means they can make decisions about their lives such as where they live; medical treatment; educational or vocational opportunities; how they spend their money and who has access to their records.

In Connecticut legal guardianship has to be obtained through Probate Court before a parent, family member or others can make decisions for a person with an intellectual disability.  Not every person with an intellectual disability needs a legal guardian.  There are different types of guardianship, including plenary (full), limited, and standby of person and/or estate.

The legal guardian's role is to help a person make the best decision for himself/herself, not to dictate how he or she should live their life.

The application process can be started before the person turns 18, though the person must be 18 years of age at the time of the hearing to decide the matter of guardianship."

Petition for limited guardian.pdf
Petition for appointment of guardian for those with intellecual disabilities.pdf
Guardian al litiem info.pdf
Waiver of fees request for probate.pdf
Petition to manage finaces for a protected person.pdf
Petition for appointment of conservator.pdf
Petition-determination of competency to vote.pdf
User Guide - Conservators.pdf
User Guide - Persons with Intellectual Disability.pdf

Post-Secondary and Adult Resources

brs resource guide.pdf
DDS Transition Planning.pdf
Transition BRS School System Brochure.pdf
Building A Bridge.pdf
DDS Information.pdf

Independent Living Program

The Bureau’s Independent Living (IL) program provides comprehensive independent living services, through contracts with Connecticut’s five community-based independent living centers (ILCs).

DDS STEP Program

STEP stands for Supporting Transformation to Empower People.  DDS has a variety of service options that can help meet a person’s support needs by assisting them in reaching their goals. Find more information at their website:

STEP’s seven core supports:

Watch a video about STEP here.

Birth to Three Services

Birth to Three supports families when they have concerns about their children's development. Individuals and families interested in applying for services for children from birth to age 3 should visit or call 1-800-505-7000 for more information.