ME in a Bag!

· Picture of me catching a fish

· My Favorite Book

· Shells and rocks

· My Grandma’s Bell

Biography Bags

Please bring them into class on, or before,

Monday, September 20th

We are getting to know one another in our new Second Grade classroom!

Each one of us has our own special interests, talents, and memories.

In order to share these parts of our lives, we will be presenting

“ME Bags” to each other.


  1. Decorate a paper bag or gift bag.Please make sure your name is written on it.

2. Collect 4-5 items that tell about your interests, talents, special places you have been and memories. You may include any objects you wish as long as they tell about YOU. You might consider books, pictures, buttons, feathers…anything that tells a bit about you

3. On the index cards, write at least one sentence for each item, telling what the item means to you.

· You will want to practice talking about your items at home.

***Important*** Not too big! Your items should fit into a smallish bag

(no bigger than a shoe box sized bag please)

Be creative & include items that make your heart beat fast!

Mr. Auerfeld’s Biography Bag - see above-