Oh no! Madame is absent!

Substitute Plans Madame Davidson Room 102 Anytime

Good morning and thank you for taking my sweeties! You will see all of the French classes today. All rosters can be found inside of the substitute binder. The following is a list of the classes you will see today with their lesson plans. All classes except for Study Hall are conducted in French.

Please share this email with students and let them read it themselves when you have finished.

Students must also read the board in case I have left any messages for them.

All students must be prepared to tell Madame exactly what they have accomplished during class time.


Please take names of students who choose to not use class time well. Seriously.

I am sure that they will be productive and wonderful for you.

I am out today : (Très malade. Opération grave et sérieuse.)

All students must be on their best behaviour. Apology letters are a drag.

For each class take attendance from class roster and report any absences to the Main Office. EXT. 500 Then press DIAL.


Students must take out their Proficiency booklet and check off any newly acquired skills in all five sections. Have another student quiz them on their new skills. Submit your updated booklet in your top bin. Be ready to show me exactly what you have updated in each section.

There is a journal due Monday, December 12. Extra credit if submitted early.

DUOLINGO: 100XP due by 11:00pm Sunday evening.

B Block-

Students must take out their Proficiency booklet and check off any newly acquired skills in all five sections. Have another student quiz them on their new skills.

Submit your updated booklet in the PURPLE top bin. Be ready to show me exactly what you have updated in each section.

There was supposed to be a test today. It will be next class.

Students will work on «À ma mère» and «L’homme qui te ressemble» Textbook pp.480-485. They may all work together. Sometimes G and C get a bit silly. It helps to have them in their new seating arrangement This written assignment will be due during the double period.

There is a journal due Monday, December 19.

DUOLINGO: 100XP due by 11:00pm Sunday evening.

D Block - FRENCH 1

Students are to work on the Mini-project "Une journée avec Jacqueline" Textbook pp. 98-99. They may work together in quiet productive groups. It is due by the end of class Thursday. There is extra credit if it is submitted early.

There is a journal due Monday, December 19. If you are not in possession of your journal please do it on paper and tape it in on Monday.

Please submit any missing assignments and signatures to the top RED bin. Extra credit if submitted early.

E Block- FIRST LUNCH 11:30 -11:50

E Block-

Students will watch the film The Red Balloon The link is here. https://vimeo.com/15187075 You can Google the Red Balloon; the film is 34 minutes long.

As the students watch the film they should be taking notes on what they see: sight, sounds, colours, feelings, emotions, anything they can think of.

Two questions to be submitted in well formed answers are:

1. What is the theme of the movie?

2. What is the connection between the colour choices of the director and the theme of the movie?

F Block- FRENCH 2

Students are to work on the Mini-project "Un petit voyage au Canada" Textbook pp. 374-375. They may work together in quiet productive groups. It is due by the end of class Wednesday. There is extra credit if it is submitted early.

There is a journal due Monday, December 12. Extra credit if submitted early.


The study hall is supposed to be a structured study. There is to be no talking. Students must sign out of the class indicating their destination and cross their name off when they return. This makes unexpected fire drills much easier. There are English language books on the bookshelf at the back of the room.

Have a great day. I will be in this afternoon to collect all assignments.

Thank you!



The students will always be left with independent or group work. You are not expected to know the answers. There are several options if a student asks you a question you do not know:

  • Ask the student check their textbook
  • Ask the student to look in the dictionary
  • Ask the student to ask a partner
  • If appropriate and if time allows check on Madame’s website : http://www.pioneervalley.k12.ma.us/~davidsonr/
  • “Google” the answer
  • Ask the student to wait until Madame returns.

Most times, the students will have been informed in advance of Madame’s absence, and all assignments and expectations will have been made clear.

Classroom expectations:

1. Be respectful to everyone at all times.

2. Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.

3. Raise your hand to speak.

4. Be prepared.

5. Arrive on time.

6. Stay seated until the bell has rung for dismissal.

7. Students must remain seated in the classroom until the bell has rung.

8. No hats are permitted.

9. Gum is not permitted.

Basic Supplies: Materials such as unlined paper, pencil crayons, rulers, etc… are located on the grey cabinet at the back of the room.

Discipline Issues: Call Mrs. Hawkins-Harrison immediately if there are any issues: discipline, lack of effort, attitude, etc. Telephone number: 505 She is the our Dean of Students


Thank you for helping. Please let me know how it went.

Students’ Rights Students’ Responsibilities

A safe learning environment Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment

Gaining new knowledge Completing all your assignments

Making Choices The consequences of your choices

Your own thoughts and ideas Respecting Others

Being treating fairly Treating Everyone Fairly

Being yourself Being Cooperative