General Questions
Do you have a question which is not on the FAQ pages?
Please email your question to me or write it down and submit it in the colored bin.
Let me know if these responses need to be clarified.
These pages are intended to help all students and parents.
The question you still have may also help someone else.
Why do I have to take a language?
Having a second language is such an amazing skill which will be so useful in life.
With a second language I have been able to take amazing jobs, make new friends, travel to places I didn't expect I would go, have secret conversations that I didn't want others to understand, read new books and watch and understand French movies. French is the language of medicine, fashion, ballet, science and more.
If that isn't enough to convince you, check out this Website. You must also remember that almost all universities require a minimum of two consecutive years (ideally three or more) of a foreign language.
Why don't you ever speak English in class?
I never speak English in class because it encourages you to try understand me. You will hear words you understand. Cognates are your friends. You will understand more and more every time.
Will you speak English when assigning homework? How can I be sure I understand the expectations?
I will ask someone to translate the homework to English.
How can I remember to do my homework?
Write it down in your Agenda book. Make a habit to do your homework at the same time each evening.
Please set an alarm on your phone to remind you to do your homework.
Are we ever going to have no homework?
Oftentimes we have no official homework. I'm hoping that the reason you are taking the class is because you want to learn the language and culture.
Why do we have lots of homework?
You have lots of homework because it gives you more practice in French. Also because I want you to be the best you can be so I try to give you lots of practice in the form of homework.
When can I stay to do retakes or to get extra help?
My official after school day is Monday. I can usually also be here for FLEX time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
You must make arrangements with me ahead of time.
Why do we have quizzes this year but we didn't last year during rotation?
Rotation was simply a tiny taste of the French and Spanish culture.
It is designed to expose you to the sounds of the language and to open your eyes and ears to two new cultures.
What are the classroom expectations?
1. Be respectful to everyone at all times.
2. Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.
3. Raise your hand to speak.
4. Be prepared.
5. Arrive on time.
6. Stay seated until the bell has rung for dismissal.
7. Students must remain seated in the classroom until the bell has rung.
8. No hats are permitted.
9. Gum is not permitted.
Where can I get basic supplies? Materials such as unlined paper, pencil crayons, rulers, etc… are located on the grey cabinet at the back of the room.
What do I do if I am absent or know that I am going to be absent?
It is good to let your teacher know in advance so she can plan accordingly and give you what you might need. You can always check online, call your four friends, and email your teacher.
How can I improve my accent?
Practice! This Website has some really good ideas.
How do I type accents on the computer?
See the Document section on the top left bar. The Accent Document you need is there.
What chapter are we supposed to finish by the end of the year?
French 1 students complete 8 chapters/themes during the year.
Why do you care if we fail?
I care because I need you to do well in school. I want for you to graduate high school, to go to university and to have a successful life. I'm hoping that you become a true Francophile.
Are we going to watch movies or shows in French class?
Yes, we watch movies that match our theme in French class. In French club we choose what movies/shows that we want to watch.
What do the members of the French club do?
Here are some of the activities that we do:
Movie nights
Fancy winter supper
Fancy spring supper
Make gingerbread houses
Crepe making
Trip to Quebec
Cookies and Canvas painting
Design French clothing and berets
Hockey team for tournament
Outside spring clean-up
Scavenger hunts
Basketball concessions
Mardi Gras party with authentic cake from New Orleans
Movies at Hadley Cinemark
Trip to Shay Theatre to see Les misérables
Cirque du soleil in Worcester
French Club Facebook page
Dress up fancy day
Dress up French day
Food drives
Clothing drives
Coin wars
Coin drops
"Jail the administrator" fundraiser
Raise money for Haiti through Red Cross
Holiday gift exchange
and more...
When do they meet? Specific days, times, etc.
Every Thursday after school at 2:30 in Room 102.
Who is eligible to participate in French Club?
Grades 7-12. We welcome all students and would like to broaden your scope of the world!