LDE: Speaking Contests

Creed: The Creed Speaking LDE is for FFA members in grades seventh, eighth, and ninth. They must present the FFA Creed from memory and answer questions about its meaning and purpose. The event boosts self-confidence and develops their ability to communicate in a powerful, professional manner.

Rules and Rubric

Parliamentary Procedure: The Parliamentary Procedure LDE is for members in grades 9-12. This team consists of 5-7 members (usually 6). This team has to demonstrate how to properly run a meeting by moving motions and showcasing extra abilities.

Sample Parli Pro Cards


Demonstration Video

Point Sheet

Extemporaneous: The Extemporaneous Speaking LDE is for members in grades 9-12. For this contest, a member gets 30 minutes to write a speech. The topic of the speech will be 1 of 12 topics, and the member picks 3 at random. There will be 5 minutes of questioning after. Five items are allowed in OR one binder of 100 pages to help write the speech.

Rules and Rubric

Prepared Public Speaking: The Prepared Public Speaking LDE is for members in grades 9-12. For this contest, the member pre-writes and memorizes a 6-8 minute speech. Five minutes of questioning will follow after.

Rules and Rubric

Discussion Meet: The Discussion Meet LDE is for members in grades 9-12. For this contest, members discuss current Ag related events/happenings in a group. There are 7 different topics each year, but 1 will be used for the competition. There are 3-7 members in the room competing at a time. Discussions will last 15-24 minutes, with a 30 second opening and 1 minute concluding statement.

Rules and Rubric

2019 Topics

Employability Skills: The Employability Skills LDE is for members in grades 9-12. Members get interviewed for a job they would like to have (preferably Ag related). The members get 15 minutes to complete the job application and 10 minutes of interview. The contest is based on the cover letter, resume, job application, and interview.

Rules and Rubric


Quiz Bowl: The Quiz Bowl LDE is for members in grades 7-8. This contest consists of 3-5 members. Members memorize history, state/national officers, and more FFA knowledge and compete against another team to get the most points.

Rules and Rubric

High School Quiz Bowl: The same aspect as the Quiz Bowl except for grades 9-12. It is also more in-depth with agricultural issues. Competes only at State level (16 teams allowed).