Rock Climber/Success

Here is your motivation for this week's writing


Your task this week is to use this photo as your motivation for writing

Will we be writing stand alone paragraphs, each with a different purpose.

Once you have completed your draft, publish your paragraphs in this presentation shared to you and post it on your blog. (You will need to make a copy of it and make sure you have shared it so it is public otherwise no one will see it)

Purpose 1: Describe the setting.

Vocab: spectacular lofty peaks snow-clad treacherous overhanging rock still day

Purpose 2: Describe the action from the rock climber’s point of view.

muscles straining/aching tenuous grip grasped tightly sweat dripping focussed heaved perilous

determination and perseverance treacherous challenging

sun beating down braced myself rock face precarious gripped

Purpose 1: Discuss your understanding/interpretation of the quote:

in my opinion conveys the message highlights the importance of

in order to it is essential that can’t rely solely on

I personally feel that determination and perseverance talents