Dave Winter

Glad you made it to this page as part of the great Googlefest. About me at bottom

So what is different when we use Google tools? Overtime our/my thinking on this has changed

and as a result what we/I do has changed.

The Main thing we do is Work

Here are a couple of example ideas.

One Document Many Stories Many Purposes

Working with group of student who are writing different stories about the same topic on the same document.

Because we are on the web the stories can be moved to individual space later.

    • Gives the students a chance to see what others are doing.

    • Provided a motivation platform for using descriptive language

    • Allowed opportunity for joint reflection on process eg identify strongest description and high light

    • Peer motivation

    • Feeling of joint purpose

Happy Place Stories in progress

One Document different roles

Working together as a team designing an animal enrichment toy

    • Roles could be

      • designer

      • positive commenter

      • interesting commenter

      • formatter

    • Each role is interdependant and the group outcome is enhanced and motivated

Punk Monks animal enrichment design


Right click or ctrl click

I am Dave Winter and addicted to learning.

I work at Southwell School in Hamilton and with teachers and students around the Waikato Region.

Being a GCT is a great way to connect to a group of teachers with a real eye on working with students to better both learning outcomes and also community outcomes.

I want to play my part as education reinvents itself for the 21st Century.

I have used Google Tools because they provide the most collaborative, accessible to almost all and exciting learning environment on the planet :-) .

They fit well with the approaches found below.



The key features of inquiries have been a strong

purpose based around learning.


The approach is to bring people together and provide communication and purpose that supports collaboration.

Student Voice and reflection:

Listening to students helps direct innovation. All of our inquiries have a student feedback cycle and voice component.

Motivation and Mindset

My approach is that we if have a preferred future our actions should apply to this. Our inquiries look to build on and contribute to the work and understanding of a personal learning network and multiple professional learning communities. These associations are what I feel leads to independent work having a larger impact, becoming interdependent and generating new knowledge.

My intention is to continue to “talk the walk”.