uLearn 2012


Meet the panel of New Zealand's Google Certified Teachers:

Fiona Grant, Tara Taylor-Jorgensen, Helen King, Tania Coutts, Dave Winter, Dorothy Burt


Everyone has used at least one of the Google Tools and yet none of us is an expert in all of them. It seems like every week Google announces the latest new idea, update or cool gadget. Many schools in New Zealand have adopted Google Apps for Education to manage their learning and teaching environments.

This session is an opportunity to get together with a panel of New Zealand’s Google Certified Teachers and find out how Google is used in their teaching, learning and networking.

In this session you should come along prepared to participate as much or little as you feel comfortable. We will start out with a wealth of tips and ideas from the panel, but part of this session will be a form of crowd sourcing. You will have the opportunity to contribute and demonstrate one of the Google Apps that you have used in your classroom or in your role as educator if you would like to. If that doesn’t sound like you, then sit back and enjoy learning from a wide variety of people.

This is a tried and true format which past participants have said was a great session and left with lots of Google ideas to use.

Note; it would be helpful if attendees came with a Google account already set up.