The Mission

To provide quality education in a safe and respectful environment for  all learners to create a bright and global future.

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The Division 

Prairie Spirit School Division is a rural school division located in south central Manitoba. The large geographical area includes many farming communities. The name “Prairie Spirit” was chosen from a contest of the residents of the School Division. Prairie Spirit encompasses shared values of co-operation, honesty, trust, hard work, determination, foresight, pride in a job well done, and courage to try new things. It’s the same spirit that brought our forefathers to the prairies. It brings people together to work towards a common goal – that being to provide the best education possible for the students of Prairie Spirit School Division. Fifteen (15) schools draw our rural students to the communities of Baldur, Bruxelles, Cartwright, Crystal City, Glenboro, Holland, Manitou, Pilot Mound, Somerset, St. Claude, Swan Lake and Treherne. Fourteen (14) schools serve students resident on Hutterian Brethren colonies. 

The Belief Statement 

In Prairie Spirit School Division we believe ...

Everyone has the right to learn in a safe and caring environment. 

Every learner has the right to be educated to the best of their ability/potential. 

Learning is a life-long process. 

Education is more than academics. 

Education is a global learning opportunity. 

Learning is everyone's responsibility. 

Shared Community Values

The Region

The region boasts an extensive variety of year-round recreational opportunities. Strong and diverse cultural opportunities are provided throughout this rural area, which has ready access to major urban centres. Agriculture, wind power, manufacturing, and pipeline infrastructure provide a strong economic base for this area. With Spruce Woods and Pembina Valley Provincial Parks, along with a number of large lakes, located in our backyard, many recreational opportunities exist in the areas of camping, biking, water sports, hiking, skiing (downhill and cross country), snowmobiling, fishing and other outdoor activities. As well a number of team and individual sports are available. Also available are cultural opportunities such as fine arts, music, theatre and service clubs.

The Name Prairie Spirit

The name Prairie Spirit was chosen because it encompasses shared values of cooperation, honesty, trust, hard work, determination, foresight, pride in a job well done, and courage to try new things. It's the same spirit that brought our forefathers to the prairies. It brings people together to work towards a common goal-that being to provide the best education possible for the students of Prairie Spirit School Division.