Who is this training for?

The Research Staff Training is a weeklong training designed for research staff who work on randomized evaluations. Although we designed the training for research staff, we often have participants who work in other related departments. For example policy staff, training staff, and admin and operations staff have previously participated. Occasionally, external participants join as well. We expect 40-60 participants.

The content is specifically targeted to new Research Associates (also know as Research Assistants or "RAs"). However, we (at J-PAL and IPA) expect that our more senior RAs, Research Managers, and other research staff understand the training's content and we strongly encourage those who haven't taken this training before to do so.

PIs or supervisors may register staff, or staff may register themselves with supervisor/PI approval.

Who delivers this training?

Our senior research and training staff deliver the sessions. Content has been developed by staff at J-PAL North America, J-PAL Global, and IPA.

When do you deliver this training?

This year, the training will be held Sunday, October 20th - Friday, October 25th, 2019.

How do I register for this training?

The registration form can be found here, or on the side bar to the left. Note: All attendees must submit 3 brief but mandatory forms and attendees who will need a business visa must submit the visa form as well. These documents can be accessed by clicking on the Forms and Instructions tab on the sidebar to the left!

Who should register staff?

PIs or supervisors may register staff, or staff may register themselves with supervisor/PI approval.

What if I am in the process of hiring and want to send whoever ends up filling the position to the training? Do I have to wait until I have a name to sign this person up?

You can register a "placeholder" spot - just put TBD in the registration form as needed, and ask the trainee to complete the logistics and health & emergency contact forms once they have been hired.

Will I have any free time throughout the training?

The training will run from 9AM to 6PM with optional activities in the evenings. Please do not plan to do work aside from the training activities during this time.

Note: There are a variety of outdoor recreational activities available to participants during their free time - however, this may depend on the weather.

Where will the 2019 U.S. Research Staff Training be held?

This year, the training will be held at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, 400 Sawmill Rd, Greenfield NH, 03047.

What is the weather like in New Hampshire in late October?

The weather in Greenfield, New Hampshire is projected to be quite cold, reaching highs of around 47 to as low as 27 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees and -2 degrees Celsius, respectively). Please come with warm clothing.

Will meals be provided or do I need to purchase them on my own?

All meals will be provided on site and snacks will be available throughout the day. Dietary restrictions will be collected and respected to the best of our ability.

What is lodging like at the conference center?

Most attendees will share a room. Preferences for roommates can be considered and requests for single rooms may be taken into account under special circumstances.

Additional Questions?

For any questions, please email Jessica Sashihara at jsashihara@povertyactionlab.org.