Senior Internships

    • The internship program has been in existence since 1987. Poughkeepsie Day School was one of the first schools to implement this program.
    • Typically, seniors are done with school after the AP exam season, and college acceptances have begun to come in earlier than ever before. May is an appropriate time for seniors to move on and to experience a new challenge.
    • Our goals are to enable students to explore an interest, experience the workplace and explore a possible career or give service where needed.
    • Students find internships through networks, and though some want to find placements on their own, most eventually realize how valuable networks are. They also get a taste of how truly important initiative is.

All seniors are expected to participate in an unpaid internship during the month of May, between finals week and the Friday before graduation. Below please find important internship-related documents:

Below is the schedule in a nutshell. For the end of year schedule, refer to details in the doc at this link.

If you have questions, please contact Gabriel Smiley, internship coordinator, at