Polo Counseling and Career Center

Polo R-VII School District Guidance and Counseling Mission Statement

Trauma informed School and Bullying Protocol Policy Letter

The mission of Polo R-VII School District school counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. School counselors are professional school advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. In partnership with other educators, parents or guardians, and the community, school counselors facilitate the support system to ensure all students in Polo R-VII School District have access to and are prepared with the knowledge and skills to be college and career ready and contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline




Seniors - You are allowed two college visit days during your Senior year.  Take advantage of these by visiting colleges you are interested in TODAY!

Anyone needing to take the ACT on any available national dates please see Mrs. Walker to get available dates and locations

Check out the Projections for Occupation Needs/Shortages in Missouri

HIgh Demand occupations FY2024.pdf


College Visits

FAFSA should open October 1st 2024 but details are pointing towards a December 1st opening date

PRIORITY Deadline April 1st

ACT October 26th

ACT December 14th

MIZZOU here 9/24/24

Northwest HERE 10/1/24

College Fair 10/2 at MWSU

My Success Event 10/15

4Keeps Program 10/11

MWSU HERE 10/29/24

Missouri Welding Institute HERE 10/22/24

I Build Day 10/23/24

ASVAB 11/14/24

Check out the current scholarships on the 2024/2025 scholarship page. Click the Scholarships tab at the top of the page to find current scholarships.

The counseling office has information on several different apprenticeship opportunities.  Come and see us if you are interested!  Check out Apprenticeship.gov.  Scroll down for the link.

Learn more about Career options and college degrees... check out this website full of resources!



Please see Mrs. Walker or click on the Dual Credit Tab above to get your registration forms and a list of courses available.

Purchase textbooks for MO Valley Dual Credit Courses in less than 10 minutes - it’s that easy!

Go to: www.vikingbookstore.com

You are not limited to purchasing texts from www.vikingbookstore.com  Shop around to find the best value!

The Scholarship Spreadsheet is updated daily!!!  Please check it out by clicking on the Scholarship Tab on the left hand side of this Homepage

A Student Survey form is available via a link on the Scholarship Page for students who are needing recommendation letters for college applications and scholarships

Watch those Scholarship deadlines!!!