

WED 5/5 – pp.876-889 - Describe why Americans love JFK. What problems did Kennedy face? What programs did Kennedy begin?

THURS 5/6– pp.892-899 - Examine the impact of Johnson’s Great Society on America. (chart on p896) How did the Supreme Court change America? – Do you think the Great Society was a success or failure? Explain. (p898) – Due FRI 5/7

FRI 5/7 – pp.936-952 – Explain the Vietnam conflict and the problems it causes in America.

MON 5/10 – pp.954-967 - Examine the year 1968 and the consequences of the Vietnam conflict.

TUES 5/11-WED 5/12 – pp.974-986 – Describe the changes going on in America from 1965-1975

THURS 5/13TEST – Essay – Question # 3 p 991


John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Fidel Castro, Peace Corps, Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid, Warren Court, Ho Chi Minh, Dien Bien Phu, Vietcong, domino theory, Agent Orange, draft, New Left, SDS, dove, hawk, Tet Offensive, Robert Kennedy, George Wallace, Richard Nixon, Vietnamization, Kent State U., Pentagon Papers, POW’s, AIM, Cesar Chavez, NOW, counter culture, Woodstock