Nationalism CH 13,14,17


pp.233-247 – chapters 13,14,17

THURS 9/22 & FRI 9/23 – Explain the good and bad aspects of the Era of Good Feelings, the Tariff of 1816, and the Panic of 1819 had on the U.S. – Describe the American System, Russian expansion and the Monroe Doctrine – Judge the 5 Supreme Court rulings. How did Marshall’s rulings promote nationalism but also cause sectionalism? Describe how the U.S. acquired Florida and Oregon.

MON 9/26 – Explain the elections of 1824 and 1828 and how they changed U.S. politics. In what ways was Jackson a nationalist? What was the spoils system? Describe the reasons why the common man rose to power during the 1820’s. – Describe the nullification of the tariffs of 1828 and 1832. In what ways did or did not promote nationalism?

TUES 9/27Defend or criticize Jackson and his fights over the National Bank, the Indian Removal Act, the Nullification issue or the spoils system.(pick 2) DUE WED 9/28 – Describe Manifest Destiny. What was it and what effect did it have on the U.S.? – Examine the Texas War of Independence and its causes and results. – How did nationalism grow during Van Buren’s, Harrison’s and Tyler’s administration?

WED 9/28 – Analyze and evaluate the positive and negative impacts of the early Industrial Revolution on American labor, the rich and the poor, and on families and home life. – Examine why the Northeast became the first industrial center, and why the South lagged behind in economic industrialization.

THURS 9/29 – What is your definition of a great president? (not perfect but great) – Was James K. Polk a “great” president? Why or why not? DUE FRI 9/30 – Describe Polk’s goals and how he accomplished them. – Identify the typical American traits developed or nurtured on the American frontier. – How did Oregon and California territories promote nationalism? – Describe the California gold rush, the Oregon trail, and the rise of 3rd parties in U.S. politics, Japanese intervention.

FRI 9/30 – Describe the Mexican War. Who supported the war and who opposed it? - Review

MON 10/3Test – ESSAY – Choose 6 inter-connected events that led to the rise of nationalism in the U.S. between 1789 and 1850. Explain each event and how it led to the rise of nationalism. (SHOW CAUSATION)


nationalism, Monroe Doctrine, American System, Era of Good Feelings, Jacksonian Democracy, spoils system, nullification, the National Bank, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Whigs, the Alamo, Battle of San Jacinto, Rio Grande River, Nueces River, Oregon Trail, Black Hawk War, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, California gold rush of 1849, Gadsden Purchase(p404), James Monroe, John Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson, John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Winfield Scott, Henry Clay, Sam Houston, Stephen Austin, John C. Fremont, Matthew Perry, Japan, Manifest Destiny, Anti-Masonic Party, Samuel Slater, Maine boundary dispute, Russia, John Marshall, McCulloch v. Maryland