Program Information

The Pleasant Hill PHYRE (Pleasant Hill Youth Reaching Excellence) program serves high ability learners in second through eighth grades. Students that qualify can participate in a pull out program that mixes acceleration and enrichment opportunities. Students can be referred by teachers, parents, or self referral. After a student is referred to the program they must meet the state requirements of 3 out of 4 in the following areas:

Achievement: 95%tile

Ability: 95%tile

Other: Benchmarks/State Assessment: 95%tile or Advanced

Creativity Profile: 95%tile

Students are screened and tested using data from the MAP test, FastBridge aMath and aReading, achievement tests, ability tests, and IQ tests. Testing normally takes place throughout second semester of each school year. Please contact Michelle Carey for additional information.

PHYRE Objectives

1. Nature of Giftedness- Develop the student’s personal growth and social development

* Relate what “being gifted” means

* Recognize attributes which makes self unique and areas of strength

* Analyze personal learning and thinking styles

* Develop interpersonal skills to interact effectively with peers and adults

* Analyze the emotional, cognitive, social and physical development of self

*Comprehend the 8 intelligences and apply to self-development

2. Investigative skills

* Develop needed technology skills

* Develop organization, presentation, and time management skills

* Set goals and plan steps to reach goals

* Gather, organize, analyze, and apply information from a variety of sources

* Increase knowledge in a variety of areas

3. Develop communication skills

* Communicate effectively through writing

* Communicate effectively with others

* Bring something to show and verbally report results

* Listen actively to ideas of others

* Communicate feelings using “I” statements

4. Develop critical thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, and logic skills

* Generate large quantities of ideas

* Demonstrate flexible thinking

* Explain ideas in detail

* Identify problems

* Solve problems systematically

*Ask analytical questions

5. Develop responsibility

* Demonstrate responsibility for own learning

* Organize time and work by setting realistic timelines

* Demonstrate confidence when working alone

* Set high standards of quality for self

* Develop and complete a project contract with minimal assistance

*Apply independent learning skills