Grade 4

Rescue Rover

Right now we are working to save Rover. Using everyday materials we have to rescue a dog that has fallen into a hole 1 meter deep. Once we start to save him we will only have 3 minutes to complete the task. Will we save Rover?

Reel Spirit Film Festival

Each year we submit a film to the Kansas City Reel Spirit Young Filmmakers. Fourth Grade created a commercial for their submission. Students picked the topic, created the scenes, took the pictures, and edited the film.

Here is their film and a behind the scenes shot.

Dream World Zoo.mp4

3D Art

Next we did a unit on making 3D Art. The created art that made them look like they were falling into a hole. Here are some fun falling pictures before we attached them to our art work.

One Little Word

We started the year with picking one little word that we thought we could focus on in our lives for the year 2022. It was fun to see what words the kids picked and why.

Origami Tradition

Some traditions are important to keep, this is one of them. It is a tradition here in PHYRE that every December the student create an origami ornament to take home.

We hope you liked them.


We have been learning ways that we can think with more depth and complexity.

The Depth and Complexity icons are tools that will take students of any age deeper into a study of any content area. Each of the eleven prompts acts as a different lens, prompting students to look at a topic in a new way. They will help you to take your advanced students deeper into grade-level material rather than moving them onto a new topic.

The over arching goal is to help students become more of an expert in the area that is being studied. They can do this by using these icons in their daily learning.

Here are the 11 icons we learned:

Icon Name, Description

πŸ›οΈ Big Idea An overarching idea about a topic.

🌻 Essential Details The most important specifics about a topic.

πŸ‘„ Language of the Discipline The vocabulary an expert would use to discuss their field.

🚦 Rules The laws, hierarchies, norms, etc within a topic. Breaking a rule leads to a consequence.

πŸŒ€ Patterns Expected repetition within a field. These can break without necessarily creating a problem.

βš–οΈ Ethics The problems, ambiguities, or dilemmas of a topic.

⏳ Change Over Time How has a topic changed over long periods of time?

πŸ‘“ Multiple Perspectives How do different people view this topic?

❓ Unanswered Questions What we don’t yet know about this topic? What can’t we know? Consider questions that are truly unanswered to humankind.

πŸ“š Across Disciplines How does this topic represent an intersection of other fields? How do language arts and math appear in a topic?

πŸ“ˆ Trends How a topic is currently changing and what forces are causing those changes?