String 2 Journal

Andrés Segovia

1. Watch the Performance by Andres Segovia below.

2. Using complete sentences and proper mechanics of writing, answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper with a proper heading(Name, Date, Guitar, Assignment title):

A. How would you describe this piece of music to another person? Use musical vocabulary when possible (tempo, dynamics, rhythm, patterns, form, texture)

B. In your opinion, does the sound you hear match what you see? Explain.

C. Describe Mr. Segovia's right hand technique. How would you describe the position of the wrist and the angle of the hand?

D. Please share your opinion of this performance, i.e. how you felt about it or how it fits into your musical taste (2-3 sentences)


A. Proper Heading (2pts)

B. FORM: Topic sentence, main ideas, supporting details, conclusion (5pts)

C. MECHANICS: Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, complete sentences (3pts)

D. MESSAGE: Quality/Clarity/Depth of ideas (5pts)

Total: 15pts