GI Chapter 3

Ian write an essay based on one of these two prompts:

òBased on what you have learned about the war in Iraq analyze the arguments surrounding the idea of whether popular support (domestic, international, or both) is necessary for a war to be justifiable.

òAnalyze what role democracy promotion should play in US foreign policy and in decisions to go to war.

Due October 24th

Students will write a one-paragraph prompt that will assess their understanding of the challenges the world faces in trying to fulfill all 8 of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The prompt is the following:

Based on your readings in class, select one world leader to write to in an attempt to convince him/her that his/her country can accomplish a specific goal from the 8 UN’s Millennium Development Goals before the deadline in 2015. Persuade this world leader that the goal you selected is achievable by 2015 and offer a plan of action, based on information learned in class that can help his/her country achieve that goal. Make sure that you clearly, fully and convincingly prove that your plan-of-action will help his/her country achieve its goal by 2015.

Remember the following:

(1) Use the rubric and outline from the 5-paragraph persuasive essay to make sure you are delivering to your audience what he/she wants. The rubric will use the following sections to determine your grade out of 55 points

§ 1st supporting paragraph

§ Audience

§ Sentence Structure

§ Spelling and Grammar

(2) You must produce and use 3 pieces of evidence from sources. Make sure you properly introduce the source material and evidence when you write.

(3) Outline your work before you write

(4) Edit your work before you turn it in