GI Chapter 12

UNGIFT Simulation:

Position Papers due Monday

Resolutions must be voted on by Thursday or Friday.

Wednesday can be a day devoted to unmoderated caucuses (at least 2.)

Position Papers must contain the following:

1st paragraph: Introduction of your country and its history with human trafficking, especially what the government has done to try to stop it within your country. Also detail the problems your country has with human trafficking.

2nd paragraph: Explain the international attempts at stopping human trafficking that your country feels are the most important. For example, what UN or UNGIFT resolutions have been passed. What international laws have worked best? Which NGOs and countries have created positive policies to stop human trafficking?

3rd paragraph: Which countries participating in the committee can your country work with in forming voting blocs? What are the specific issues around human trafficking that your country is unwilling to compromise on? What are the issues that your country is willing to compromise on?

4th paragraph: What does your country see as the best solution to stop human trafficking? What type of solution is it? Where will the money come from for your solution? What governments, agencies and NGOs will be involved in implementing your solution? What is the timeline for your solution?

Goals of the Committee

This session should discuss how human trafficking has affected women and children and how their safety should be addressed. Human trafficking is an extension of slavery and needs to be addressed as a human rights violation. The committee will discuss factors that contribute to human trafficking and how to reduce those influences to allow for change. More regulations need to be drafted and how to deal with those involved with this industry. Discussion of this topic should lead to drafting proposals for nations to adopt to raise awareness, to decrease women and children vulnerability, to regulate the already existing human trafficking industry, to prepare a long term plan for those women and children affected and to eradicate the system

Questions for the Delegates

1. How can the UN.GIFT regulate human trafficking to make it safer for women and children? (Topic to address if on speaker's list)

2. Beyond regulation, how can the UN.GIFT go about eradicating the trafficking industry? (Topic to address if on speaker's list)

3. How can the UN.GIFT encourage awareness and spread information about the dangers of trafficking? How can poorer residents become less vulnerable to traffickers? (Chair will entertain a moderated and possibly unmoderated caucus to address this question.)

4. What steps should be made to reduce trafficking nationally? Regionally? Locally? (Chair will entertain a moderated and possibly unmoderated caucus to address this question.)

5. What role should UN.GIFT governments have in reducing women and child manipulation? How about businesses? Media? Individual people? (Chair will entertain a moderated and possibly unmoderated caucus to address this question.)

Countries for simulation:

    1. Brazil

    2. China

    3. India

    4. Iran

    5. Israel

    6. Liberia

    7. Mexico

    8. Pakistan

    9. Romania

    10. Rwanda

    11. Saudia Arabia

    12. Serbia

    13. Thailand

    14. Timor-Leste

    15. United Arab Emirates

    16. United States

    17. Vietnam

Links for research:

UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking

Nigeria's government defends its actions as more girls are abducted

Polaris Project

Human trafficking gets life term in drive on slavery

11 Facts About Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking in the Middle East and North Africa Region

FBI Human Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking: The EU's dirty secret

Extent of Mexico Human Trafficking Obscured by Lack of Info

Videos for research: