Post date: Jul 22, 2014 12:39:56 PM


We wanted to provide you with some updates for the coming 2023 school year. Current and Prospective cadets must understand, and comply with, the Air Force standards for dress and appearance. For our cadets to be the best, they must start by looking their best. Uniform wear is mandatory and is worn weekly on Wednesday or Thursday (dependent on student schedule). Whether their path be or directly to a career, the discipline cadets gain by adhering to this regimen will set them apart from their peers. We cannot compromise on this standard. We are asking for your support in helping us reinforce this message throughout the school year.

Cadets should want to wear the uniform properly out of respect for the people who have served, and are currently serving, in our nation's Air Force. Because the uniform is essentially the same, it is not uncommon for members of our community to mistake our cadets for members of the active Air Force. Whenever that occurs, that encounter should be positive. Our cadets should take care in positively representing themselves, Central High School, the Community, and the Air Force. We remind Cadets that their ability to wear this uniform is a privilege they must earn and retain. The Central Cadet Guide outlines the details for uniform standards. An electronic copy of the Cadet Guide can also be found under the "Students" sidebar to the left of this page.

Now a few words on expectations for grooming standards while in uniform. Basic expectations for male students include: no wear of earrings, beards are not permitted (must be clean shaven), and haircuts consistent with a professional appearance (hair should be one shade). Basic expectations for female students include: one pair of small post earrings may be worn, nail polish and make-up must be conservative, and hair should be professional in appearance (hair should be one shade).

To help students maintain a positive image, AFJROTC students must also participate in health and fitness activities. Students and parents must complete some consent forms prior to the cadet participating in any physical activities with our program. Students are required to participate in the Presidential Fitness Program which includes two fitness tests--one at the beginning and one at the end of the school year. This is an integral part of the curriculum as accounts for 20% of this course offering. Please complete and return these forms as soon as possible.

The next topic we would like to address is community service. Last year we fell short of meeting our service goal. This year we will try to get back on track, and strive to earn the HQ AFJROTC community service award. Because community service is an important part of this program, please encourage your son or daughter to take an active role in the community. By doing this, they will meet or exceed their graduation requirements, and establish connections in the community. Ideally this year, we would like each cadet to complete three hours of community service each quarter.

Thank you for taking the time to read this bulletin--we appreciate the support you provide as parents. As a staff, we are looking forward to another remarkable year! Please do not hesitate to contact us this year.


Major Pabalan and Chief Master Sergeant King