CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL AFJROTC--Creating Tomorrow's Leaders...Today!


What cadets learn review and practice throughout their 4 years in the Program

  • Team-work

  • Problem-solving

  • Drill

  • Leadership

First-year learning

  • Team-work

  • Problem-solving

  • Drill

  • Leadership

  • Basic leadership knowledge

  • Aviation concepts ( parts of the plane, aerodynamics of flying, and components that affect it)

Second-year Learning

  • Brushing up, review an improvement the first year knowledge learned

  • continuation of first-year information that was not covered or completed

  • visual examples on how to manage the unit and required components for it to run smoothly

Third-year Learning

  • Brushing up, reviewing an improvement the first & second-year knowledge learned.

  • continuation of first- & second-year information that was not covered or completed.

  • Leadership position to learn from the current leader about the unit.

Fouth-year Learning

  • Managing the Cadet's corp

"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime."

-- Babe Ruth

Get out The Way