How to refer to Pensionwise

How to make a Pension wise referral

Before you can refer clients for a free 45 minute face to face Pension wise appointment you must ensure this is an appropriate referral.

Use the laminated telephone script to gather client’s details. Record all client’s details and the following information on CB:

· Is the client 50 or over?

· Does the client have a defined contribution pension? (Personal or workplace pension based on how much money has been paid into their pot)

Clients can be signposted to the Pension wise online booking system where they can book a Pension wise appointment themselves:

If the client does not have access to the internet they can call Pension Wise on:

0800 138 3944 Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm.

àIf the client is not eligible for a Pension wise appointment they should be made aware that they can still speak to The Pensions Advisory Service 0300 123 1047 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday