School-wide PBIS
This is a website is set up to support training of SW-PBIS and warehouse examples of tools, forms, resources that schools and districts have used in the development and implementation of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Materials are organized by the level of support.
The Greatest Success in terms of sustained, accurate implementation of SW-PBIS occur within a context of District Coordination and Leadership
Sustaining Implementation Slides (AZ Year 3 Trainign 4)
Annual Action Plan Template (Google Docs)
TFI Action Plan form (word file)
Aligning Initiatives - PBIS x Trauma Examples
Trauma Aligned Classroom Practices
Trauma Aligned School-wide Practices
PrePlanned Consequence Activity
Powerpoint Download OR Google Slides (Make a Copy)
Recent Presentations
Kansas MTSS Symposium (Sept 11-12, 2019) & Wisconsin PBIS Leadership Forum (Aug. 2019)
Minnesota Summer Institute 2018