Michele Crim

Michele Crim, Climate Action Programs and Policy Manager, City of Portland, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability

"A Step Ahead: Portland's Climate Change Preparation Strategy"

Michele Crim has worked in the environmental field for over 20 years. Her professional expertise in the areas of climate action, pollution prevention, environmental management systems and resource conservation led to her current position as Climate Action Programs and Policy Manager for the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability. Michele is responsible for the development, update and implementation of the City of Portland’s award winning Climate Action Plan, and is responsible for tracking and reporting on the implementation of local carbon-reduction efforts. Michele also facilitates the implementation of Portland’s Climate Change Preparation Strategy that outlines priority actions to build resiliency into local government operations, services and infrastructure. Michele has a Master of Science in Environmental Science from Washington State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Geology and Technology from the University of North Dakota.

Host: Dr. Angela Strecker

Watch the video of Mrs. Crim's Seminar Presentation

(Seminar begins at about 1:00 into the recording)

Watch video feed of Mrs. Crim