TERM 1:  

"Culture & Identity - 

Who am I?  What is my Whakapapa?"


   New Zealand National Curriculum -  


            Students will gain knowledge, skills and experience to:


            *  Understand how people pass on and sustain culture and heritage for different reasons and that this has consequences for people.

            *  Understand that events have causes and effects.



Who am I? What is my Whakapapa?

What is culture? What is identity? Why are they important? In this unit you will you will be introduced to and learn about what culture and identity is and why they are improtant to all people. 

Culture and Identity gets quite complex depending on who you are talking to and where they are from and what their beliefs and values are. 

Yr 9 CULTURE & IDENTITY Scheme of Work


LEARN:  Key Terms & Concepts

These are important words you need to know!

Whakapapa: Ancestry / Heritage 

Cultural Values


Watch the following videos and discuss in pairs/groups and share with the class

Different Cultures 

Cultures and Customs

Identity Explained

Identity and Values

What is the "culture" of  Papakura High    School?

Our School Values 

School Values: We are going to examine what they mean to us and how we can live them in Papakura High School.


-core value of support


  -being aware  - Awareness
(consequences & resolutions) 


-to dream, aspire to be better, aspiration to goals (realignment)


-direction & focus (new direction and/or mapping pathways forward)

* We work hard

* We walk the talk

* We endeavour to find enjoyment and positives in all situations

* We set high standards for ourselves and others

* We hold ourselves, each other, and others, accountable

TTI Values and School Values


CLICK on and complete the these  COOL TASKS!



 Important Advice and Life Lessons

By Kid President (SOUL PANCAKE!)

PEP TALK:  This is LIFE People!

PEP TALK:  Things we need to say more often?



How has popular culture influenced my identity?


The Positive and Negative Effects of Music



Movies and Popular Culture

How do MOVIES influence how you think?... how you see yourself?  Others?  The world?

Movies and Popular Culture Activity


Fashion and Popular Culture


How do YOU use social media?

Does social media affect who you are?  

Is the person you are on social media, the 'real' you?  

Urban Culture

    What does URBAN CULTURE look like?

How do these things affect the way I think, act, dress, speak and behave?

How have these things shaped who      I  am?   


Stories from our past

How do they help us going forward?

What can we learn from stories?

"And the moral of this story is..."

How have cultures handed down knowledge from generation to generation  in the past?

Why is it so important to hang on to our customs & traditions? 

Folklore Introduction

Maori and Polynesian Folklore

Examining Polynesian and Maori mythology by examining the following examples of folklore and later comparing them to similar stories from around the ancient world!

Hawaiki power point

Myths: Hawaiki and Polynesian Migration

Kupe Powerpoint

Legends: Kupe and the discovery of New Zealand

Maui and Trickster Gods from Around the World

Gods: Maui and the world of trickster gods

Aesop & his Fables (Internet).ppt

Research Unit

We are going to use our research inquires to create a power-point presentation for you to present to the class about your culture.

Research Guide

Starting Sources

A brief history and cultural examination of all the world's countries

Use one of the world's most advanced intelligence agencies records to help research your chosen country.

Creating your presentation

Research Presentation

Step One: Download the power-point to the left and use it as a starting point for your presentation.

Step Two: Replace the text and examples with the information you have gathered during your research into your selected culture

Step Three: You need to have:

AT LEAST one slide for Question One and Question Two.

AT LEAST three slides for Question Three - one for each significant historical event.

The Day in the Life of ... Extention Activity

Extension Activity: The Day in the Life of...

In this activity you will be performing an in-depth investigation into the daily life of a high school student in the culture that you have been investigating in your previous inquiry.

You will then be writing a diary entry that describes their daily life from when they wake up, until they go to sleep!


Assessment Time:  INQUIRY TASK!!

(2-3 weeks)